Need Naval PVE

Why is there no Naval PVE yet?

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Most games have half (or more!) the teams as bots - isn’t that enough??

And to answer the specific question: 'cos they haven’t built it yet.

I remember someone saying a long time ago they didn’t want to make one because more people would play that than regular naval
maybe that was about naval ec but it kinda shows how bad the gamemode is and they’re just too lazy to make it better (coming from a naval player)


“Too lazy”? So you figure they are just sitting around soaking up the sun in Hungary or something?

Here’s something you may care to think about… but more likely not: There is a lot more to WT than naval, and likely “Naval PvE” is not one of their top priorities as they struggle to fix the more popular modes.

I’m aware, but also I’m pretty sure they have a dedicated naval team, what with new boats being added all the time. And they are also aware of the problem.
So yes, I do think they’re too lazy. Too lazy to allocate resources to improve a mode that no one plays because, shocker, no one plays it, and not really trusting that fixing it might mean more people would play it.

Too generalized, my dude.

Its been stated several times that Naval content takes longer to develop and thus, will naturally be slower in pace then air or ground. Changes have been made for the past few years as GJN recalculates what it views as naval should be. Whether or not those meta shifts are the right redirection is of course, a matter of opinion™

One thing we have seen from these meta shifts is the appearance of little known bugs or limits in coding. Fixing these have, at times, seemed rather frustrating long. Given the historical nature of GJN holding info to themselves and the darker side of social media, people form the opinions and allow them to run away with it.

That said, most long term naval players will admit that naval is getting its fair share of the changes in line with the other game modes. Though again, the “what” and “where” these changes are* and going; are of course, matter of their opinion™

As for OP: New Naval players start out fighting bots only, until you’ve sunk enough of them to be put in PVP. After that, you’ll always have bots to shoot at as their almost always some AI bots in any given game.


That is not true. New players get 10 games total against bots in “newbie battles” of all modes and then they are thrown to the wolves.
My 11th game and first bluewater game I spawned an I-15 biplane and was promptly smited from across the map by a Tarter from a Douglass.

You will also have a couple of high level clubbers farming the newbs and the bots.
This is not fun and I’m sure most players give up on naval before figuring out the very different interface and play style.
An assault mode will give players more chance to learn the game and get vessels more competitive in PVP.

I would love to see naval PVE especially for Coastal, smth like harbour assault)

There’s some good concepts of a naval version of a PvE assault arcade mode out there. Like YaSen already mentioned, a coastal assault mode could work pretty well, something along the lines of maintaining a defensive perimeter against other coastal attackers.

Another concept I’ve been proposing is a PvE version of the Battle of the Atlantic event. Players can spawn in an ASW capable vessel and protect their merchant convoy from AI submarines. Maybe even throw in some attacking surface ships with the subs if necessary. Now this really depends on how well can Gaijin program AI behaviour for a submarine, but in the case they do a good job, I think the mode has the potential to shine.

Also, I would like to add that having a naval assault mode gives people the opportunity to try and learn some ships without the PvP frustration while having the opportunity to earn a third daily booster from the mission (with the first and second from ground and air assault). If the missions are designed well enough, the booster can be a good incentive to have people regularly participate in the mode and maybe (optimistically speaking) draw more naval players in.