NDI (Norway, Denmark, Iceland)- Ground Forces Techtree (Updated 197x vehicles)

Just a some of things i noticed when looking through the tech tree you created (sorry for the nitpicking):

  1. At Rank II, the AEC Mk.II (D), shouldn’t that be a Mk.III instead?

  2. At Rank III, the M41 (D), is marked as a medium tank, and is at 6.0, but the M41A1 in game is a light tank at 6.3.

  3. At Rank IV, the M41 DK-1, is also marked as a Medium tank, and should probably have a higher BR, since it is equipped with thermals, an LRF, and most likely used APFSDS. I would probably say it should be maybe 7.7, since it would be similar to the M41D that is ingame already (and that is probably a bit too high with its current BR).

  4. There are 2 missing progression arrows, between Leopard 2A5DK & 2A5DK Desert Mod, and between NASAMS HML & ACSV G5 NOMAD.

  5. You could add the M24 Chaffee for Denmark if it is (event vehicle?), since they were operating them together with the M10 Achilles, which both were superseded by the M41 Walker Bulldog.

  6. You could also add a Leopard 2A4 for Denmark (maybe marked as a premium), since when Denmark originally bought the Leopard 2, they at the start received 18 standard Leopard 2A4 to begin to train the crew on, while the rest of the order was being upgraded to the 2A5DK standard.

  7. You can also add the F.P. 3, which is the Swedish Landsverk L-210 motorcycle, which were built for and tested by the Danish Army. It was later on improved, but i am not sure if the Danish army also tested that.

  8. At rank V, the full short name of the Danish M/92s, would be PNMK M/92

  9. Is a question. What is the difference all the Stridsvogn KW-III? It is just that there is so many of them, where they span over a lot of different BRs. So it would be nice to have some kind of summary/overview. (Also is the Rank I, BR 2.3 KW-III ausf. J & Rank II, BR 2.7 KW-III ausf. J the same vehicle?)

  10. Lastly, at rank I & II, the naming of the Danish Armored cars/trucks are a bit confusing, so here is a suggestion to make them less confusing:

  • FPV-1 (1931) → F.P. 1-1
  • FPV-1 (1932) → F.P. 1-2
  • FPV-1 (Final) → F.P. 1-3
  • From what i know the FPV-7 & F.P. 8 should be the same Landsverk L 180, and from my understanding there would be no reason to have both in the tech tree. They should maybe also be called their service or manufacture name, so it would be either called L-180 or PV M 36, otherwise FPV-7 should be F.P 7. (FPV-7 → F.P. 7 or FPV-7 & F.P. 8 → L-180 / PV M 36)
  • Similarly for the F.P. 6, could either be called L-185 or PV M 34. (F.P. 6 → L-185 / PV M 36)

Nothing to be sorry about, thats a good thing :D

Yes, it is supposed to be Mk.III i have missed a number when i wrote it, i’ll fix that

I see, i might either have looked at the Arcade Battle mark on Warthunder wiki when adding it, don’t know if the br has changes since, but i’ll fix that thank you

I’ll look into that

I don’t know why they have dissapeared, i have probably done something wrong when i added/foldered them

I was thinking about making the M24 Danish (To have more Danish vehicles), i am at the moment not aware that any of the Nations modified them or used any different ammunition. It would also be better to have it as a Danish vehicle, as we get the M24 “Einar Tambarskjelve” with among other things a new eigne and transmission

Nice! I didn’t know that, i’ll look into that and implement it, maybe an Squad vehicle could be fitting instead of the current CV90

I’ll consider that, currently i have added a Danish Nimbus motorcycle at Rank 1 with an Br of 1.3, this is an vehicle used in and for an anti air purpose featuring an Madsen M/1929 machinegun chambered in 8x58R Krag and equipped air sights, i don’t know if the Landsverk L-120 weaponry has enough mboility to target planes? But if it is the verison i think it should be good, so i’ll look into that one and add it :)

I’ll fix that, Pansret Maskinkanon M/92

The differences are that these are hybrids, with turrets, hulls and cannons being mixed up. For example an Pz.III with an Ausf.H Hull, Ausf.L turret and Ausf.N cannon, all with different features and armor, regarding the Ausf.J’s the differences are a Long 50mm cannon and a Short 50mm cannon, the short one is a bit lower in br, tried to compare it to the one in-game

I have been inspecting some articles/files of these vehicles, but i will go trough them as well and change a little on them. The reason i am using the dates, is as they were upgraded again and again so when i am going trough the images i have found, there are most likely more variants of them to find

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On this update i focused on Anti air, however i have since i updated the tree found additional AAA vehicles, sadly two of them i really struggle with finding information or pictures about, as those were improvised vehicles used in April 1940 in Norway. These two are

  • 1x Truck with a 40mm Bofors cannon used in combat against German forces just by the egde of Oslo city.

  • 1x Truck with a Colt M/29 either chambered in 7.92x61 or 57, anti aircraft model and used in a battalion in Nordland (The area south of Narvik to around foldereid)

Altrough the only M55 wuad 12.7mm anti air cannons in-game aren’t higher than 2.7, i am going to add some of them a little higher, as some of them are quite modern vehicles. The cannon is far from bad tough, so i think it will be fine xd

Iveco Magirus with M55 Quad .50 cal cannon


When i come to remember the reason behind it, it was as i saw an image of them besides each other and the FPV 7 had some minor structural differences and one of them did not have the additional armor on its sides, i’ll find more details

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  • Landsverk L120
  • Chevrolet with Colt M/29 SPAA from April 1940
  • Leopard 2A4 from Denmark
  • Archer prototype (Different one than the one present, from Denmark)


  • M41 Changed BR from 6.0 to 6.3 and medium tank to light tank & moved from rank 3 to rank 4
  • M41-DK-1 Changed br from 6.3 to 7.7 and moved to rank 5 as a light tank
  • NM135 Moved from an SPAA at rank 4 with an battle rating of 5.0 to an light tank at rank 3 with an br of 4.7
  • Mammoth P20 20mm Moved to the SPAA line with an br of 6.3 compared to the italian R3T20
  • Stridsvogn (S103-0) Moved to the researchable MTB line (why not xd)


  • M16 GMC MC (Due to comfusion with sources)
  • Ford 1939 20mm (Due to comfusion with sources)
  • Triangel 20mm (Due to comfusion with sources)




How many more of those vehicles are fictional to justify a tech tree project of a mod which should never exist in the first place since its build on mainly trialed/paper vehicles with no proof of existence?


There are no “Fictional” vehicles in this tree :)

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Ah totaly not.

Not like david bowie deconstructed your K2 suggestions that those vehicles never existed and were just mock ups and your have multiple things wrong.

Or how you still have no proof for the “norwegian” 2a7 which was just a german 2a7v they send over for testing


Lol this ‘mod’ is still clinging onto the fantasy vehicle that is Leopard 2A7NO which was just a German-owned Leopard 2A7V at the time of the trials?

Get a load of this dude.



All norwegian leo 2a7 variants as well as the K2 variants should be removed from this suggestion
They are only trial vehicles to begin with and all modifications that guy claims are mock ups not useable which arent accepted by gajin in the first place .

And thats only the ones i spot and know at first glance


Why is there a Boxer as a Norwegian vehicle?
This gets more cursed everytime i look at it

There is way more trial stuff.
The Warrior IFV being one


In the early 1990’ the Norwegian army trialed a couple ifv’s, being a puma prototype, a warrior, ascod prototype, a m2a2 bradley and a CV9030.

The boxer is an tech demonstrator (for the international market) , as a joint Collaboration between kongsberg and Krauss-Maffei

That one at least makes sense then if it was a bigger collaboration with kongsberg where they designed a complete new turret not like the other suggestions.

How could the Boxer be on trial in the early 90s? It was not even on paper in the early 90s

The turret of the vehicle is an donestically developed one from Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, it was integrated some years ago and was in mid 2024 tested/demonstrated at Hengsvann, Norway

No u read that wrong the 90s trials didnt include the boxer.

That was an answer to your warrior ifv question i think

Responded to the wrong message, you mentioned the warrior

Like i said makes sense.

Still as example the majority of the mbts is fictional.

The only real mbts in this suggestions are the danish leopards and the future 2a8no. Nothing more.

David bowie dispproved all your K2 claims and you have nothing for the 2a7s either