NDI (Norway, Denmark, Iceland)- Ground Forces Techtree (Updated 197x vehicles)

Ok, my bad.
My brain goes numb while trying not shutting down over boring teams meeting on budgets while surfing.

Also, good to see we didn’t pick the Warrior

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I feel more Scandinavian representation would be cool as a Norwegian myself, I say +1 but there are definitely some issues with it here and there, and some vehicles that dont really need to be in there or fit a too nieche interest


If there are anyting i can improve on it feel free to share it, and i can see if i can do it :)

removal of the non existent norwegian leopards and mock up K2 black panthers which never existed

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Remove all trial only vehicles


Does that include trial weapon systems?

Iirc we never used our Mowag Chassis for serious combat outside light troop transport.

The Mowag ETS was only tested with two of our Chassis’ before we canceled the project. Both the M113 ETS and the Mowag ETS technically are trial vehicles considering we didnt add them to service so should they be cut?


The gun was modified for Danish use but again since it never entered service where do these lie in your view?

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Small difference.
That system is norwish or danish developed if i understood it right?

We are only complaining about foreign trialed vehicles which have nothing to do with norway or one of the other nations and havent been adopted


IIRC its a Danish company, the weapon was modified as per request of the Danish military which is why it features the additional housing unit vs the smoke launchers.

Danish company hired by Denmark and mounted to Danish service vehicles from our military.

Its a danish development, even if not out into service so all good being added

Its a prototyope /tech demonstrstor with its origin in denmark.
Not a trialed vehicle in this case realy

Only problem is the other ETS vehicles iirc only the Mowag and M113 were tested but apparently the Deutsch Marder and British Warrior were tested or maybe assumed they could mount the system? Idr its been a bit since i originally made the suggestion for the Mowag ETS before i needed more info on it.

Too bad the company fell through in the early 2000’s before coming back since they lost so many docs that could’ve helped with any info on the vehicle.

If they exist those would fall under collaboration projects. With main developer denmark i would say in this case.

Similar to Df105, boxer mgs, etc which havent been adopted by any nation
I think they should be added in each contributing tree so marder to germany and warrior to uk and both to denmark in this case.

Big modern examples include the EMBT and challenger 130

Problem is finding info and images of them. Again while they are mentioned no photos to my knowledge exist nor did i ever find proof of any foreign Chassis’ being used at our testing ground in the 90’s for the ETS, considering the short term for the challenges and the M113 being the most prominent vehicle in terms of recording i lean more to the idea that it was a theory rather than actual tests. Though if i do find pictures or evidence of the other Chassis’ ill probably make a separate thread for them. As for now i think its safer to assume they only had 2 vehicles up. The singular M113, which had its turret mounted to the 1st Mowag and a second turret mlunted to the other Mowag. Would make for a decent event vehicle imo.


We can see the reused turret on both the Mowag and the M113 ETS.

Doubt anyones gonna complain about those original vehicles that were self developed.

I am not to deep in the materia of this suggestion but i am mostly just aware of the norwegian 2a7 versions and the K2 Black panthers being an issue.

Norway had no part in their development, decided for an upgraded version 2a8 or they were just mock ups to begin with.

No major upgrade, if even any were done to the trialed mbts either to justify them being added as well.

K2 black panthers arent in the game yet.
But if added certainly shouldnt be added as part of norway which has no rights to them

We will wait to see what the snail decides since Norway and Denmark are not part of sweden they could just add them to Germany. I agree i don’t believe the Noridc TT needs more Leo 2’s and even then once the 2A8 is added to germany maybe sweden should get it? Idk depends on how many Leos they have with armor by that point. Regardless id rather wait and see if the snail plans to expand on the Nordic air tree considering the state thats in before ground. Regardless i dont really feel like the Norwegian 2A7 is something that should be added same with the K2 since they aren’t lacking in that department. Only thing i ever sorta agreed with was the AHS and MI28, i have also suggested the AHS be replaced with a UH-60 that can only carry 4 Hellfire but i know gaijin wont get rid of them and i dont think its that big of a deal, they aren’t that crazy of vehicles not that I ever see an AHS lol.

i mean Smin already said that norway and denmark arent likely to be added anywhere else besides in sweden.

pretty useless sweden is buying 2a8s themself the norwish one propably will be reduced to a skin

its hard cause else they wouldnt have a heli tree realy yeah

Again, helicopter tree i only agreed with sorta because i feel that is the only reasonable way it could’ve gone and even then i know players would still complain about a UH-60 with only 4 missiles if it replaced the AHS.

As for the 2A8, its hard to say, ground can go whatever way the snail wants and if there are differences between the models for Norway and Sweden its very likely they could both be added. Though considering so far Norway has been premium exclusive i dont see a 2A8 being added even in the future. I feel if any nations were to be added it would be a Danish 2A5DK Afghan use with the netting we used. Seems to fit the role of a premium for the snail. (Totally biased since its Danish and it has a netting lol) still think we are ways off before we see that and if we see it. Again until i see actual confirmation that Denmark and Norway aren’t going anywhere else its best to assume they won’t be added imo.

sweden will have 2 variants already strv123A upgraded strv122s and strv123b newly built and bought 2a8s from germany.

Sweden is already done and ready now for the next tier of mbts, they do not need a low priority norwegian 2a8, we already know pretty much as well they wont have anything unique on them
2a8 specs are pretty much the same all around for ease of production etc new standard. Only small stuff like radio or mgs will be switched out not worth implementing

Italy literaly got kicked out / denied to modify the 2a8 heavily

yes, but honestly do we wanna 12.0 premium? we arent far of sadly

Yeah i know 12.0 premiums are coming, we arent far off with the Clickbait and i feel Germany is very likely going to receive another Leo premium before long, its the way the snail must feed unfortunately.

reminds me , where the duck is frecnhs tier 7 premium
every nation got theirs besides the stupid french

But yeah a lot of options for a 12.0 german mbt premium

French tax, more 7.7 battlepass vehicles shall be added and sent to 8.0 before they get a new rank 7 tonk

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