NDI (Norway, Denmark, Iceland)- Ground Forces Techtree (Updated 197x vehicles)


gotta look at the post i answered to, my giant one talking about the stupid fantasy vehicles the OP is proposing that dont exist

Edit: please dont abuse flagging system, nobody was insulted or similar

real question, how is calling vehicles stupid, innapropiate, offensive and an insult to get flagged?
looks like abuse of the flagging system to me

If you have an issue with a comment what got flagged you’re welcome to message a forum mod who will go over it with you, Otherwise end the conversation here as it’s discussing deleted posts & It is off topic.

I don’t know, but i don’t think it would be a problem considering both current and present relations between the nations.

The Danish/Norwegian union lasted for 434 years or so, wich has had an big impact on both Language and culture wich can bee seen today. Iceland has also been under Danish rule for a while, and at later points they provided defence/military protection for them as well. There has been many wars between Denmark/Norway and Sweden tough all these years as well, its a very long story haha, but i don’t think it would be an issue, kind of deeper roots between these nations than with Sweden/Finland

I think that this would be better for new sub trees for Sweden to be honest, but that’s just my thought. But yes +1!


Kalmar Union lmao, all honesty though its all or nothing. We at one point would’ve beheaded each other and claimed our land but now its more so one big group. Realistically sweden in warthunder should be the noridc TT and currently include all of our nordic brothers (including Iceland, maybe greenland lmao) not that they would bring much to the table.

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I have researched some new vehicles wich i have added, i have also done some other changes, such as br, placements and such of multiple vehicles across the ranks, hopefully to make it better. Ive focused on finding more and better anti air vehicles wich i have replaced some of.

24x New vehicles!


Rank 1

  • Pz.III Ausf.N variant from the Danish minenkommando
  • Stug.III Ausf.E short 75mm variant from Denmark
  • Ford AA truck with Madsen mg, Danish interwar anti air
  • Landrover AA , Madsen mg, Danish anti air
  • Bedford WS 20mm madsen, potential event vehicle
  • Chevrolet 7.5cm M1901 Howitzer potential event vehicle
  • Fordson Super Major 75mm RFC

Rank 2

  • Stridsvogn KW-III Ausf.H/M
  • Stridsvogn KW-III Ausf.H/L
  • GMC LLVBT with M55 quad
  • Triangel 3t 20mm Madsen
  • Stug.III Ausf.G from Denmark

Rank 3

  • Ford GPW CJ3B 106mm

Rank 4

  • Magirus Deutz with M55 Quad

Rank 5

  • Mammoth P20 20mm
  • ATMOS spg
  • Caesar 155mm
  • Stridsvogn S (STRV 103-0)

Rank 6

  • CV9040B
  • NM142 Prototype No.1
  • Ford M151A1 147mm TOW ,
  • Piranha With Spike Lr2 Denmark

Rank 7

  • Nordic Robotic Wingman RT40
  • EMAV RCV RS6 (2023) anti air

Rank 8

  • ACSV G5 NOMAD Pre Production (some changes)

Removed vehicles

  • Patria MCT 30 2013 Needs further research
  • Patria XP Crows/J Needs further research
  • Patria XP without Crows/J Needs further research
  • Humber scout car removed as its insufficent against aircraft



Seems strange to not have the Mowag Piranha ETS and only the M113 ETS

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I have added it, it is added as an event vehicle under the name “Piranha ETS”

My bad didn’t see it.

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what is going on here?

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 20.53.36

I am working on the designation of the Fords, i have found 3 different models on these, with different design/eignes. The Bedfords are two different models, with the MJP2 being the newest one from the 1970/80’s. The GMC’s are also two different models, quite similar tough, with one being identical to the one found in the American tree in-game

Take the vehicles and dump them on the swedish tech tree

What I mean is, why are there 10 SPAA from 2.7-3.3, and why are they a) not ordered by BR, and b) in Rank II, III, and IV?

aaaahh i see lol, after inspecting them further i have been moving them around, but forgotten to change the br lmao, i’ll fix that

Nah, WAAAY to much absolutely shit vehicles that would just be fillers.
The lower ranks would be a true pain to grind out.
Would also much rather have a combined Nordic TT

Some vehicles such as the AT gun carriers would probably be quite hard, but i strongly believe the armored cars should be fine, i am guessing we will see some of the Swedish equals soon


The swedish TT has been waiting on cars for a long time, dont really see why that would change anytime soon tbh

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Never know :)