Naval stuff in the battle pass

could the navy stuff in the battle pass have an alternative assingment?

Sitting in queue just to make 10000 points in a game mode i hate AND is less played than Metallicas Lulu album is a bit of a downer to put in nicely.

How about giving us an alternative way to earn those points?

PS. you cant get people to like naval by forcing them to stuff like this, truth to be told, it makes me want to play navel even less.

Though I am sure Naval only players don’t appreciate non-Naval Tasks.

BP is all about sucking people in and making people play more than one mode.


So skip the naval parts as I skip the stupid challenge about the 30(!) kills at speeds above 30km/h. It would be ok if it were only 5 or 10 kills…


thats my point dude.

Forcing people top play something wont make them like it, quite the opposite.

Make the stuff fun and people will play it, and i think id rather listen to a person practising handfarts for 3 hours than play naval in it’s current form.

Stockholm syndrome wont work in a videogame.

Can I have an alternate assignment for every battlepass challenge I don’t like?

This is WT, you’re not supposed to like it. You’re supposed to suffer and endure it to get your little meaningless reward at the end.

Well it does, the fact a Battle Pass exists and people are willing to go along with it in any capacity.

Game was great without it. Now we get tech tree vehicles locked behind a missable event.

I am just explaining why they do it. It makes the game a job and people are willing to throw what they can at it.

The fact BP1 was really good and then immediately worsened it after that shows they won’t be making anything easier again (as per your idea).


If the reward is meaningless to you, then suffering for it may not be the right choice, don’t you think?

Work for the rewards you find meaningful, for the others, lay back and play vehicles/modes/stuff you DO like. There is no need to grind an award if you don’t want to.

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Ref. to @coffeebean5 post.