I’ve decided that for every game I play in naval arcade and get murdered right away by trash AI aiming, I’m going to start another thread about how the devs are probably the worst that have ever lived who don’t listen to their player base.
Edit: I do not want their country invaded by Russians.
Why dont you play Naval Realistic?
Lol Gaijin is Hungarian. I couldn’t care less about the community rules. I paid money for a product and then had the rug swept out from under me. I was cheated and so were so many others that play exclusively naval AB
No, its owned by Russians and until 2015? was based in Moscow. Then they moved their HQ. But most of the devs and executives are and as far as I am aware, still based in Russia.
War Thunder is F2P and you dont need to pay to play Naval Arcade
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The “don’t need to pay” part may not be entirely true.
You will shoot ships with a 7.7 MG, and you will be happy.
Well, yeah… Coastal economy is so bad Premiums + Premium time is basically a hard requirement for any meaningful progression.
But you can enter for free :P
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This thread is completely inappropriate. There are productive ways to express discontent with a feature or change, but making a thread like this wishing for violence on others is not one of those ways. Review the forum guidelines and voice your discontent in a meaningful and productive way going forward.
Guidelines - War Thunder — official forum