Naval RP

What the heck are these rp rewards, no wonder nobody plays naval


A year later, no improvement.

Da fuk Snail?
Seems like there are some zeros missing…

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Well in your case it’s because you only have 47 damage lol. @Fireball_2020 yours idk what the hell happened their you should have more than that.

You are looking at two separate metrics (that game had 8698 damage pts.)
Which is a whole other issue naval has. I can pummel someone into sinking by obliterating its crew with hundreds of HE hits and I never get crap for “damage to the enemy” which only awards SL and game points anyway.
“Skill issue” no doubt, but the point here is the incredibly low RP naval gives.

Ya naval is a hot mess and gaijin refuses to give it attention.

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Problem is,the main source of RP in naval and every other game mode is time played. And even then it barely goes above 15k for full 30 min game. Also assists give barely any reward,while the actual vehicle destroyed does.