Naval mode overrun with OP ships/boats (Hall of Shame)

Thanks to the French battleship event, the naval game mode, especially Arcade, has been overrun by OP vehicles that are unaddressed for years.

Nowhere is the OP vehicle problem that bad, even during events.

Torpedo vehicles such as Mikuma, themselves would not be overpowered, but in Arcade mode with reloadable Torpedo, and speeded up torpedo, makes them OP against battleships, especially when spammed in numbers.

Hall of Shame (these are just some of them):



Arras is OP but no Moffett in the list?

C+ - needs more work…


US destroyers tend to dominate, completely overshadowing German, Italian and French ones. But then again, I said the list isnt all of them.

Prinz Eugen


I agree with you except for the PT-810 and Saetta. Because the PT-810 is just your average 3.3 torpedo boat just like Pr.183, Brave class, PT-15JP, MC-490, VLT-1. The Saetta/Freccia simply does not have competition being the only 4.7 coastal vessel together with the rarely used MPK Pr.11451. Thus it rarely even meets coastal vessels that it can shred. Otherwise it only sees larger ships where even the Nettuno becomes quite useless.

Otherwise I’d add:

  • Siebelfähren SF40 Light/Heavy
  • Nibbio class (Sparviero/PG02)
  • American 4.7/5.0 destroyers, especially premium ones
  • USS Helena

There are of course more very strong vessels but they are not as popular due to low accessibility or painful grind.

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If they made douglas have the correct missiles (literally anti-radiation missiles irl, not SAMs) it wouldn’t be anywhere near as broken.

The 5.3 BR Bravy with SA-N-1 missiles is also very strong against destroyers, as it can very reliably send missiles into their magazines/boilers on a first shot. Not to mention how the missile launcher cannot be disabled, the ammo does not detonate.

You didn’t even list an OP ship.
Kron and Scharn have nothing on the newer BBs.

SKR-7 gun nerfs [velocity and heating] means that’s balanced.

Kako is OP, that’s about it off the top of my head.

Prinz I’ve consistently fragged with destroyers personally.

There are some OP destroyers in other nations as well, those which are equipped with American cannons XD

Why do you consider Saetta OP? The only thing it can is to bully enemy planes.
Ah, you are talking about arcade, idk then.

Really? Arras, overpowered? The ship with absolutely zero AA armament and two 138s that can’t fire forward and backward, that sees destroyers constantly???

SKRs are just bloody annoying, especially playing the french River-class. No way a cold war bugger should be contesting my two-gun ship, slamming it with rocket charges. Not to mention it gets an FCS while the River-class doesn’t, god knows why.


Brother have you played it? You are lucky if you dont get uptiered . If you do get uptiered theres basically nothing you can do to most ships once they spot you.

Sure the 40 Bofors are busted and they mow down deck crew really nicely, but theres only so much they can do.


Can’t you reliably ammo rack a Moffett by shooting it anywhere vaguely aft of centre mass? I’ve been one tapping them all day with 5 inch guns.

Mostly under their second turret from the rear, yeah.

You can, but if the Moffett is trying to play right and maneuvering to prevent an easy magazine snipe they can melt other DDs so fast that by the time someone realizes the magazine is vulnerable their ship is already destroyed.

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Meanwhile Kron and Scharn sealclub ANY heavy cruiser at their BR or lower while the later can’t do ANYTHING to them, not even talking about 1920 to 1935 Battleships that ARE in battle with them. These things are OP AF. Stop defending your shiny sealclubbing bat.

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You should learn to click reply on the correct posts.

I answered you, yes. Congrats.