Give naval better SL modifiers and will live again!
Yeah. It is one of those changes that closes my wallet for this year. Never been a big spender. But till it is undone, no more money.
Yup, i wasnt any Good in the old System but now its just ********.
I See the shells hit the enemys arse, Correct my aim Forward and the new System “Corrects” it back to the enemys arse… multiple times… one would think the System would at some point as i am Aiming a gazilion miles ahead of the enemy notice that i want it to aim further forward… it just dosnt.
And to top it of Planes are just dead…
Not a Fan of the new Aim-System, pls fix.
maybe if they buffed rewards people would play it you barely get anything now adays
You’re only allotted 1 high scoring match per 4 matches. If you are able to squeak out 2 or 3 somehow, you just get balanced harder.
AI aiming ensures this is regulated to the point that you’re easily aware.
The fanboys think it’s an improvement because they don’t have to think at all when they click.
I made a new multiple option poll:
I don’t know what I did. But now, all my controller controls were wiped out. Now my game is bricked and I can’t play. (Playing on laptop, but using controller. Hard for me to unlearn years of playing controller)
Fuck it, I’m buying a mouse. I’ll just learn laptop controls.
Oh noes 🙁 I try and remember to backup my controls file every month or so. AND I then email it to myself to have a backup of the backup. I lost my keybinds years ago and vowed to never have it happen again. Screenshot for the button to click to backup your controls:
Their nothing on control wizard?
Using the control Wizard WILL reset most/everything to default (I think anyway, haven’t done that in YEARS). EVEN IF your controls are wiped currently, I would highly suggest doing a backup JUST in case they are not actually gone. AND then if/when you do use the Wizard, I would VERY strongly suggest you start backing up the file as you put your keybinds back in. Can even do a “Year.Month.Date.TIME” format if you are doing a lot in one day. EG: 2025.03.23.1118
Thank you, but eh. Like. I’m just tired from it. I’m buying a mouse right now.
So, this is just the mouse I have and thoroughly like, the Logitech G402. I like Logitech overall because you do not HAVE to run their software. And even if you do use the software you can upload changes to the mouse and turn off their software if you don’t want it running. (I just leave it on as it is VERY light and doesn’t cause me any issues unlike some other brands, eg RAZOR.)
Whatever you do choose, I very highly recommend a mouse with some extra side/top buttons. Makes it SO much easier to bind extra stuff in WT. Like in tanks I bind my secondary/missiles to one of the top buttons, so I can fire autocannons with main left click button, and just roll over to one of the top buttons to fire missiles. Like on the BMP-2M / BMD-4’s etc.
Don’t really need one of those crazy ones with like 12 side buttons lol, but I LOVE 2 extra on the side, and 2 extra on top. SOOOOO much easier for me.
I bought the MX Anywhere 2S mouse from Target.
You can get the Logitech G502 for $40 on sale sometimes. Yeah, whatever you do, don’t get stupid Razer anything. My old Razer keyboard went dead in the middle of WT game years ago. My DeathAdder mouse was heavy, with piano black sloped sides (so slippery and hard to pick up) and the stupid software kept the mouse settings in the cloud, so every time you started a computer and did not have a connection, it would be stock crap and very fast. On top of that the left mouse button was screwed up and every time you would press, it would double-click or even triple-click (faulty switch, known issue 10+ years ago). Have no desire to get anything Razer ever again. The in-cloud storage of settings and no way to store locally is the biggest BS.
You can get one of these MMO multi-button mice on sale now on Newegg for $15:
20 fricken buttons lol. It has separate software. Multiple profiles for multiple games. Just make sure you select for it to run with Windows to keep all the settings.
EDIT: The sale ends today, but I see it for that price from time to time.
OH! I didn’t know EVGA made mice. I like them a lot. My 3090ti was the last Nvidia GPU EVGA made 😔 Great company. And that is an outstanding price for a mouse with that many buttons. Most comparable ones are over $100 🤑
I got the X12 version last Christmas for $9.99. It’s actually on sale now for that price as well:
Got the white version, as the black one was sold out. Same mouse, but with less buttons and ambidextrous. I adjusted the DPI buttons to 3 speeds (removed 2) and use the lowest for tanks and naval. It has another button underneath to change profiles. Also, it blinks with a different/specific color every time you press the DPI button. Red is for the slowest, yellow for medium, and red for fast. Pretty cool. The only downside is that ambidextrous thing, so it may not be as comfortable as a right-handed for some. That MMO is right-handed, though and I’m thinking of getting it as well to check it out lol. Btw, the packing is super deluxe for the price. Was very surprised. Some years back people complained about the scroll wheel, but I would think that got resolved a while back and I don’t have this problem.
I have the small 2-fan EVGA 3060 :).
Edit: Make sure your 3090ti is not sagging. These heavy cards tend to crack.
THANK YOU! Lol, it actually came with a hold up cable thingy in the box from EVGA! So, it has been fully supported its entire life. I check it every time I blow the dust out of my case too, hasn’t budged even a little bit 👍
Wow, Naval battleships are really boring and unproductive right now. Kills are hard to come by and assists still very often do not count, even if you spend long minutes shelling something. Very often you don’t see your teammates’ shells, but you can see enemy ship getting damaged. Many enemies (supposedly players) seem to be swimming around, but you don’t see them shooting. Now the matches are decided by AI battleships steaming ahead to the cap while most of my team tries to sink it for a very long time. So much smoke, very often you can’t see the ship. Even light cruisers (very, very few these days) are very hard to kill for some reason and that’s with my IJN Kongo. Getting many assists that still count (many don’t) and very few kills. AI battleships that take minutes to kill by multiple players. Good luck doing kill tasks or damage tasks in battleships (except very few that are meta now, if you have them).
What bothers me is gaijin fundamentally changing the gameplay, nerfing shells, but still keeping the BP daily tasks as they were. How can you change one aspect of the game, but not correct it in other places? Now I’m playing a match and I’m getting super bored just after one of them. A lot of mouse clicking and staring at the screen with very little to show for it. You get most of the points for just being in the match. It’s like gaijin tries to cater to people making these bot programs. You spawn and either sit in spawn and just target selected enemy ship or go forward full speed to the cap. With the mediocre shell damage you are very likely to succeed. I’ve even seen battleships capping A, where boats usually are.
The shells you fire are spread out all over the place and you don’t have the same feedback you had before. It’s not like you are participating, but watch someone else play the game. Zero desire to play, if I don’t have any boosters to use. My crews are maxed out, but I see the entire match my ship’s AI fired shells just explode something like 50 meters above enemy ship. It’s always and it’s consistent that they explode way above the ship, doing no damage. Doing less than 3000 damage with Haruna is a joke and waste of my time. Nothing gets ammoracked and everything seems to be in slow motion with that minimal damage, so you fall asleep. I’m thinking about setting up a mouse clicker, so it will click for me at this point, that’s how bad it is, but I’m afraid the anticheat program will set off some flags or something.
My daily tasks are very sluggish and have no desire to do them anymore. This entire game seems so deflated and pointless now.