( War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/weapons/rocketguns/fr_mm_38_exocet.blkx at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub )
Probably at some point, since they’ve been in the files for awhile.
You didnt show anything, and your argument was just disproved lol. That was one example, and there are more. Not every ship is a maus equivalent either.
My whole point is that Gajin will mix cold war missile ships with what we already have ( just like in GRB).
It sucks enough fighting a Bravy with a japanese or Italian destroyer. Adding more missiles to this already low populated mode probably wont make anything for the better, but will make a whole lot of ships obsolete.
That’s my opinion.
The main difference is that bravy has like 20 manually guided missiles while these ship only have 2 or 4 automatically guided missiles.
You may think, automatic guidance will be OP… well no. With automatic guidance you can’t aim for weakspots or ammoracks like you can with SACLOS missiles
Also the bravy is a lot more tanky than most of the ships that can get missiles currently
You’ve forgotten the Project 89.2 Bernau which has Strela-2 SAM’s, still a missile but a very shitty one just like the SS.11’s on La Combattante P730 (wish it was the later one with AS.12’s as the 40 mm/60 outrange the SS.11’s).
Not operational yet but soviets corvettes like the Project 1241.2 (both), Project 11451 & Project 1331M have Strela-3 mounts inactive.
Would be nice to see more IR SAM systems on low br naval vessels
Not really gamebreaking because guided anti ship weapons and airplane torpedoes far outrange them
yes its best idea to improve naval and attract more people
And mixing cold war era missile and sams and jets and.stuff with ww1-2 stuff is the way to go, you think?
It might not have the effect you think it will, consider that.
If they separated in eras, I would say go ahead, and enjoy your modern stuff but seeing how the other 2 modes are handled it doesn’t look good!
Naval as it currently is wouldn’t fit modern things, with small maps, horrible spawns, close quarter engagements etc. Which is why I personally dont think either submarines nor aircraft carriers would work very well either.
They would have to rebuild and rework the mode from the beginning in my opinion…and as someone who have played since the the very early days of War Thunder I lnow that won’t happen!
oh wait, you barely play any naval at all, and F-16D Barak II with what, 120 battles in destroyers/earliest cruisers?
Great to have you guys here, trying to fix naval with your extensive experience!
I rest my case!
As i allready said, SAM are just fine for me, i am only concern by anti-ship missile.
The only solution is a major reffit of naval, and then, when gaijin finaly find a formula that works, they can go ahead and add more missile boat.
There’s hardly any aircraft in naval, and sams are definitely not needed! Imagine going for a torpedo run with your ww2 torpedo bomber and have to evade Stelas…fun, fun, fun!
Yes, agreed!
But lets be real, it wont happen…not unless naval is separated exclusively and handled by others tbh.
idk. I made a suggestion for a reffit in naval, the post didn’t went throught rn but it should be out eventualy and if they pass the suggestion to the dev we might have a chance to see the naval experience be improved.
can you link it? Couldn’t find in suggestion forum…would be interesting to see what you ccame up with :-)
The post is still pending rn but it should be live enventualy. Here is a quick summary of what is proposed :
- Switch from the cap point system to an objective based system, like during the u-boat event but with more variety (ex shore bombardemnt, mine laying, assisting/preventing an landing operation)
- bigger map, with both cqb area for pt boat and more open area for bigger ship + add reload point for ammo since cap point are gone (to avoid camping issue, the reload point’s location is changing from a game to an other and are hidden from the other team)
- more space between players when spawning to avoid massive jam
- decompression at top tier up to 7.7 because if thing continue like this, we are going to see Yamato at 7.0
-increase in reward (rp and sl)
-reducing the grind, especialy in coastal (340K rp for a 4.3 boat is too much) - make the game mode more begginer freindly with appropiate tutorials and starter pack (if the suggestion is passed, the dev might be a bit faster to implement changes if they can get money out of it)
There are voicelines present that suggest towards anti shipping missiles. It’s possible that these are wtm exclusive.
I don’t have access to the newer voicelines of other nation due to the fact that the Fmod repo in github has not updated the naval assets in about 2 year.
But… you didn’t show it to be wrong. That’s what we’re trying to say.
The concern is as follows:
Your Albatros will spawn in the match - it will be invisible, much like all of the coastal vessels are at 20 km spawn-to-spawn range.
It instantly launches 4 MM38 Exocet missiles at the enemy fleet (because spawn-to-spawn shooting is a part of the current map design). 64 seconds later they impact 4 enemy ships, detonating 165 kg HE warhead. Some ships tank it to the bow, others to the side or anything in-between, as the missile aims center of mass.
Sure, vast majority of the bluewater ships can survive that impact just fine. But you you already got ~400 RP for clicking [R] four times, caused some fires and significantly depleted crew count of the affected vessels. If you want to score kills - lob these missiles towards boat spawn, as they have a Lock-On After Launch capability, and 165 kg TNT is enough to kill any coastal vessel that has the boat spawn.
You will achieve all of this while being totally invisible to the enemy fleet, with them having no means of responding to your attack.
In Arcade battles, you can repeat that every 30 seconds.
Want something even more extreme?
Consider that instead of Albatros we would be talking about Project 183R, launching P-15 Termit missile with 1 tonne HEAT warhead (this boat is very likely to be added eventually, as it was used by both: USSR and China). The thing can penetrate any armor in the game, and it’s going to one-shot kill anything with magazine in the center of mass (e.g. most of the battleships), any coastal vessel or destroyer, and cripple most of the cruisers/above.
All at a single click of the [R] button.
That’s why we think that these ships shouldn’t be fighting WW1 vessels.
Good points all around and it’s basically naval EC, which could and should be expanded upon.
I sincerely doubt they will change the regular battles. They have found a formula that worked in the beginning and stick with that. Its the exact same with top tier ground, still on same maps that the lowest tiers use. I just don’t see a sudden change in how Gaijin will treat naval tbh.
That they only changed 3 ship’s BR this last change should really tell all there is.
Well, we know submarines are coming through direct developer confirmation, and likely aircraft carriers too.
Naval in its current state is floundering, unable to attract enough players. I don’t think you’ll meet a single naval player who doesn’t agree that there is substantial need for game mode/map design rework.
Yeah, it is a lot to ask of Gaijin. But they seem to want to continue investing in the mode, so it only makes sense to make those changes while expanding the available content. Naval currently has the largest “room to grow” in terms of available vehicles compared to Air or Ground. It could potentially be a cash cow.
Naval will be better for it. Variety of gameplay and modern vehicles will attract players to the mode as it does for air and ground. And yes, that means that Naval will have to fundamentally change.
Not support.
Top tier long lance spam is already annoying, especially in arcade, from destroyers launching at 15km away.
Long range missiles has much greater speed and range. Imagine an accurate and flying long lance spam.
Besides, we don’t need fox 3 of naval.
I know, I am just very concerned that new stuff will just be put into what we already have, and it will be a complete mess. And not sure those new players that are attracted to modern stuff will outweigh those that possibly will quit when their Battlship will be dunked on by a missile from a hidden frigate. I for sure will quit that day!
Thats why I am not eagerly anticipating submarines. Seeing as the core of the game hasnt changed a bit since 2013.
I want nothing more than naval to evolve too, since I really enjoy it despite its many flaws!
Hope Gaijin will suprise me and come up with something new that works, if and when they come with subs and carriers.