Naval maps are too big

I’m a enjoyer of the naval mode, but you can’t deny that gaijin is making good intentioned but (imo) a bit wrongful decisions on trying to make it “easier” (such as auto aim…why?) but changes that will change the meta as a whole.

Why not simply make maps smaller? It would be more fun.

Tank battles experience, we’ve seen that people enjoy “one death leaving”, enjoying instant actions rather than drawn out matches. We see it in air battles that people in RB rant about “EC” maps.

Naval, in my opinion, would be much more vital with small maps where ships battle each other to the death.

It would also improve balancing and make ships like Scharnhorst more easily torpedoed, equalizing it and other ships.

If balancing for destroyers is a issue, then add more cover. Basically just make naval maps like tanks (just a bit bigge).

Having to shoot zip zaping ships at 15km is boring. The above picture shows what engaging gameplay would be.

It’s exactly the fault of our current small maps that make ships like Scharnhorst so powerful.

IRL, It had lower range than it’s higher calibre BC/BB peers. They could, theoretically, engage Scharnhorst from outside of Scharnhorst’s own range - with plunging fire which is much more dangerous against Scharnhorsts armour layout.

Instead, in our current small maps, RoF is King (which benefits Scharn), firing angles are shallower (which benefits Scharn), and it’s Scharn itself who benefits from being able to get more effectiveness out of its own torps.


No? Nobody enjoys ODL. It’s a detriment to your entire team and the major culprits of ODL are premium teammates

Yeah, people want Sim EC sized maps to account for increasingly longer ranged missiles, with ARB EC effectively functioning as Sim EC except with ARB controls and whatnot.
Also EC isn’t a nickname or given name, it’s the acronym for Enduring Confrontation, it doesn’t need to be in quotes

I don’t think anyone wants smaller maps, save for low attention toddlers who want every game to be CoD.

Which is taken in a regular match (from what I can tell)

Maybe for you, personally I prefer not getting utterly obliterated by several big ships while my entire team is cuddling trying to divert their paths and in turn just hitting each other


this is what we currently have and its not great

Naval maps are far too small. Scharnhorst and other vessels are extremely powerful because all their targets are instantly within effective range from spawn. Its the main reason I don’t play much naval. even at mid tier in a Town class you spawn in optimal range to shoot and get shot.

You keep making threads on things you either are too subpar of a player to know how the core gameplay loop works. nor do you seem to know the technical sides of weaponry.

Torpedoes are really hard to aim because they were abysmal to aim. Most torpedo sinkings were from U boats up close and personal for a reason. Buffing torpedoes would be inaccurate and remove the reason to spawn small torpedo boats to rush people around points.


scarnhorst could just run you down then if ya try plunging fire as shes a fast battle ship i feel naval need major decompression 8.0 to 9.0 11.0 when they add iowa and stuff

I think its not big enough


Last time it was about ground, why do this again.

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Meanwhile… I want them to increase the size of naval maps. They are way too small for any decent combat


… bruh you want a battleship to spawn 5km from you?


too big? haha welcome to wows.

Is it impossible for you not to make idiotic ideas?
Or is it your «thing»?

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