Nope, I am one of the top ranked naval players in the world giving you advice on how to get better at the game and hearing you complain that “that’s too hard, I want to be safe”.
I don’t want to be safe, I want you to learn to play the game so that one day we might cross paths and duel and you give me enough a challenge to say “GF” in chat when one of us dies.
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Good for you? Congrats?
I probably wouldnt even notice because i am busy losing 30% crew within the first 30 secs of the game. But if it is on a decent map, then i might notice
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Again, your inexperience shows with thinking 30% of your crew is a dramatic number.
50% of your crew are exposed on the surface of the ship (in secondaries, AA guns, etc).
Anywhere from 5.0 to 6.3, as long as you have auto-repair OFF and you’re protecting that rear magazine, you are fine.
Your crew will drop to around 50% and it’ll just stay there. If you have auto repair on, it’ll keep moving your crew onto the decks where they’ll keep dying until eventually you hit that critical 9% and you die. But as long as it’s off you’re fine.
6.7 and 7.0 you’re going to get eaten alive in the Kurama as soon as someone notices you, and no island will save you. So learn not to get noticed. The best thing you could do is find a nice big 7.0 to hide behind and hide behind them, they’ll do far more to save your skin than any island.
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I can understand your sentiments, but hear us out man! Spawning into enemy fire is a annoyance st the best of the times, but ag its worst, it is an absolutely disgusting joke. I’ve spawned in a foot from an active torpedo; if im lucky its only 1 of the suckers and usually im not lucky. This couples with unrepairable breach, i cant stop fast enough (spawning full speed isnt something i control) or i cant stop at all in most cases; now keeling over, i can fire back and in literally anything from a few thousand to 10s thousands kf silver lions down. Hell i just played a game; one ship spawn point, a btd with double torps. In a renown (spaded) i took two torpnblows before the AA ai could even begin ti rotate guns to fire, and to add to it he dropped two more as the first rounds fired. Now i had known he was there i literally had just died in my renown to him just outside spawn, so i was actively looking for him when i spawned in; he still got the kill before i or the ai could react. Explain to me; how is that fair?
Now l, something that shows how much you havent thought a second about this issue more thsn “its exciting” and “ get gud” or hoe it makes the game challenging or excitement; to preface i have the best interent at&t has for homes and in cabked in and then only person on it, ive spawned in many times but my screen doesnt show that, it is “loading” and yet im being huntedor bombed or salvoed. This is so utterly unfair, your scenario of challenfing is literally random shots hitting lucky ; this is them getting a ranging shot plus tome to calculate, reload snd fire before ny game shiws me in game. This is utterly shit. It also applied to ground as ive “spawned” to no immunity and suddenly my ammo is been crit.