Naval - Large caliber guns useless

Big guns are horrible in the game. In fact, the smaller guns you have, the better you fare.

(Relatively) small gunned ships tend to have more guns, more accurate, has better reload times, has better radius damage (365mm Japanese SAP rounds).

It is like using a bolt action rifle against using a MG42 (except bolt action rifles are actually accurate).

Mutsu, 8x 410mm


Yamashiro, 12x 365mm


Realistically, shells does similar damage when you penetrate a enemy anyway, black out the module. Because of how inaccurate the guns are in game, combined with the non existent underwater shell diving, small guns actually give you a better chance to damage the enemy, and more of his modules.

This is esepcially relevant when many ships are well armored in game, which demand a high volume of fire, in which some shells will make it into the weakspot. This is something the Scharnoest very much excels in (a hidden gem of it).

The ONLY benefit of big guns is 6km duels where you can accurately target the enemy’s modules.


I ground my way up the IJN last year after only dabbling in Naval prior… your post mirrors my experience.

HE/SAP is extremely powerful. I got more OHKs in the Kako, then Kurama/Ikoma and finally the Haruna with their HE and SAP shells than any other ship(s) by quite a large margin.

My goal was to get the Mutsu, and underwhelmed is an understatement. I figured the 16" guns would at least be great against Krons and Scharns, but it’s just lackluster all the way around. Not saying you can’t get kills in it, just not the 16" naval rifle monster it should be, especially against the swarm of WW1-era ships you face.

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I don’t have BBs, but it does seem as if accuracy might have been buffed on the dev server. No idea if it will stick, but I would try it.

Dispersion for a number of big gun battleships has been reduced on dev server, that’s been verified by datamine changes.