So as we all know, the BP mission requires you to get kills with torps. It’s not hard and more of a just throw enough shit at the wall mission. I played a lot of WoWs back then but always wanted a more realistic experience. But War Thunder Naval is not that. From my point of view, it is realistic and yet totally detached from the “real” thing. You spawn in the open, get focused by at least half of the enemy team within 0.5sec after you spawn and die. Spawnprotection will NOT fix this, nor will changing the map design. This mode is a plain copy&paste from the ground RB mode, which, obvious by the number of players playing this mode, is not working. Yes, there are people that will enjoy this. Fast paced action, hop in quick and go out, hop into the next one and so on. Naval EC is more like what I expect from a naval gamemode but unfortunately it’s also unplayable due to the fact that there are a combined 20 players on the server wanting to play that mode. And, whats even more infuriating, the only Naval EC map there is (at least what it feels like) is Dover strait. I can see that naval EC is unappealing to many ppl since you pay per spawn upfront with a too long time investment. Honestly I don’t have any suggestions on how to fix navalRB/AB other than creating a mix between RB/AB and EC. For example where there is a Carrier that players have to defend, which also can used by carrier-based aircraft as resupply/repair spot. Or coastal landings that have to be covered or supported by attacking land based intallation on a smaller scale than in EC.
What are your thoughts on the topic? Do you play/enjoy naval at all? There are moments where naval is fun but in the grand scheme of things its not enjoyable atm.
I know, I’m not the first and not the last to complain about Naval but it’s a gamemode I sincerely want to play and have fun it, but I can’t force it. You can spray shit gold but it remains shit in the end.
Thanks for your attention an I’m looking forward to you replies!