Naval Encounter Norway

Am I going insane, just had a game at 5.7, map was Norway encounter. the BB/Cruiser spawns for both teams are 7km apart and in the open… It was the absolutely most frustrating experience of my life in WT, I spawned 3 times and died within 2 minutes each time. Taking US heavy/Medium cruisers and just started getting battered as soon as I spawned. How is this fun or engaging? There is no strategy here, it’s just insane. How can maps like this pass any kind of reasoning or testing?

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I think this is the US heavy cruisers’ issue, the fire rate, and the armor is terrible.

It’s not so bad when you spawn with a bit of distance and cover, spawning within pistol shot, totally broadside with nowhere to run is the problem.

The most fun and engaging naval combat is destoyers and costals in my opinion. The cruiser and battleship gameplay in normal naval modes is just awful because of the open water, short range, static target to static target gameplay that the majority of maps cause for those larger ships.