Naval bot AA is seriously broken and and I'm sick of it

First post on this forum, but it certainly won’t be the last. Anyways, let’s cut to the chase.

To those of you who play Naval, be that Arcade or Realistic, (Arcade in my case) you’re no doubt familiar with how annoyingly accurate and long-ranged bot AA is.
In the last two matches I’ve played, the bots have, without fail, sniped me out of the air. Both instances of which were well over 13,000 ft up.
The SKR-1 is by far the worst offender of this, and what makes it even more annoying is that bot SKR-1s aren’t even using the proxy variant of their HE shells, just the standard one.
Everyone pissed and moaned about bomber gunners back in the day, from what I’ve read, but hardly any Naval players make a peep about this.


Because we see the CAS cancer in ground battles, and prefer naval gameplay not to turn in a similar scourge. We like our ship vs ship gunnery :)


That’s because a) there just isn’t that much Naval players out there to begin with, and b) CAS in GRB is already fucked so why would we willingly want it fucked in Naval too?


Well this is a known pain by many be it the aviator or the ones maning their AA.

From a more Anti Aircraft ship player perspective it’s imhfo really annoying gaining radar lock or just Mk. I eyeball lead against an aircraft far out with Heavy AA batteries just to watch what should be your kill destroyed by some bloody fucking AI especially it’s armed with only MG’s one shot an aircraft at a great distance or altitude, especially if you’ve got limited AA ammunition or your ammunition costs between 50 sl & 6700 sl per shell/belt.

I’ve also been in the the perspective of an aviator & tend to hit out of way player ships but often check the surface for AI’s just due to how BS it is to fight them.

Still I suggest using cloud mass in either flying through it or above it to mask yourself from AI’s as they’ll not target you unless you break the cloud line.

There have been nimerous complaints about naval AI AA, but most simply call for the complete removal or making so poor it might as wll be. That would give a massive boost to CAS and bring up a whole host of other complaints (just look at ground posts ro see what happens when AA is over nerfed/removed)

Personally i have no problem with accurate AA - at close ranges. The issue is what should imo be 2km limits (+/- with calibre) for an average 20-40mm gets stretched out to 5km snipes. I’ve also been hit far too often at 7km+ which is totally ridiculous considering even maxed out player AI gunners are lucky to get half that.

A short range ‘no go’ zone would force pilots to actually learn to aim from distance to knocknout AI and neaeby players. Kamikaze attacks really would be suicidal. But if a player vessel left the AI protection it instantly becomes much more vulnerable. Captains will be forced to choose.

I have no issue with bots having AA. It wouldn’t make sense if they didn’t. My issue is them having laser-accurate aim to where they can snipe me at nearly 15,000-20,000 ft in the air.
If these were modern warships, you could make the argument that such accuracy at long ranges makes sense to a degree.
With the SKR-1, however, that is not the case.
AFAIK, it was developed in the 60s and has a radar. I suppose you could sort of excuse the accuracy on the grounds that it has a radar, but even then, radar during the 60s was not that accurate to produce shots of that quality. Well, from what little I know, anyway.

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