Naval ammo rack mechanic ruins the game

This topic is for Arcade naval battle, so a few critiques may not apply to naval realistic mode.

I think the naval ammo rack mechanic is garbage, ruining gameplay without benefits, authenticity, or fun.

  1. It ruins ships that relies on a ready rack, such as coastal frigates.

  2. Full rack detonate renders a turret basically inusable excepet at a capture point or something, this is impossible to do unless at spawn (encounter), because ships are so exposed that you will die before getting to a capture point. Moreover, in top tier, the most common modes are encounter and conqueror, both of which does not provide players access to a friendly capture point.

  3. More importantly, it makes some ships completely useless and others OP. It entrenches a rate of fire meta, and makes ships like Scharnhorst overpowered with its fast ROF. Ships, like the Courbet with its hyper-exposed racks, are dead in the water because of this.

  4. The mechanic currently is inconsistent and all over the place. The Courbet cannot take any ammo explosion, while the Fuso is capable of doing so.

In my opinion, ammo rack damage in Arcade should be removed entirely, or at least, make them unable to denotate/lose ammo, make them remove 5% of crews (ready rack) and 10% of crews (shell room/magazine) would be more reasonable, then require a repair to access the ammo again.


This is the essence of the game.
And its very great to ammo rack players.


It makes lots of ships unplayable, like the French battleships.

In tanks, if your tank has horrible survivality, you can flank/play defensively.

There is no such thing for ships.

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Not my experience - or at least no more than anything else - currently grinding Dunkerque having researched it with the other BB’s - didn’t notice anything untoward - a few ammo racks sure, but am inflicting a similar number I reckon.

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