Namer30 fuel tank got fire after get hit in the empty fuel tank

i got hit in the empty fuel tank and got fire in some how. it is empty in both tank in the back and still got fire.

Empty fuel tank? Since when do fuel tanks empty in ground?

Fuel tank destroyed, and then destroyed a secon time is what I think he means

Make sure it was the exact same one. There’s two separate exterior fuel tanks in the rear of the Namer RCWS-30.

yes and i got burn three times

i got both hit and exploded in the first burn. after i extinguished the fire i move back and got hit again in the fuel tank that already burn and no fuel in it the front one is still intact


I would like to put in a suggestion to EMPTY fuel tanks exploding. I am a proper qualified mechanic who has been working on cars fo over 30 years. I’m not putting anything towards the point of how to run out of fuel in the 1st place, but…

In Real Life… an empty fuel tank is a lot more explosive than a full or half full tank. Petrol and diesel to explode in the combustion chamber needs to be atomised to a vapour. That is the job of injectors and carburettors. Fuel is more explosive in its vapour form, which includes the vapour fumes in the tank itself.

If you were in the armed forces with matches that strike underwater… you can light one of these matches under the surface of petrol and diesel without an explosion. If petrol, if you then bring the lit match above the surface, then you will blow yourself up… it’s the fumes/vapour that are explosive.

Diesel on the other hand needs to be heated up. You can light a match, throw it at a bucket of cold diesel and the match will hisss and go out as if it was water. Now… heat that diesel up and throw a match at it and now it will catch fire and possibly explode.

Unless people are hobby mechanics or trained mechanics, there is no real reason for people to have more indepth knowledge on the properties of fuel… But, yes, empty fuel tanks on any vehicle are more explosive than full tanks.

this is in game and when it is exploded that tank is gone and can’t be damage again. did you ever have got second hit in the fuel tank that already gone in the game? it is no damage.