Namer Folder Now (Vote Please)

The grind for the Israeli top tier is extremley hard, especially for a F2P player, because you need to use the Merkava Mk.3 to grind the entire rank 8, with no lineup whatsoever. Now they added the Namer Tsrikhon at BR 11.0 to help us by giving us another vehicle for the 11.3 lineup which you must play, but the new Namer is for some reason in rank 8 despite only being 11.0 in BR - so it’s around 400K RP to get it, and you must use the uncomplete 11.3 lineup to research it. For comparison, the Merkava Mk.3 os 11.3 in BR and in rank 7, and many nations have 11.7 BR tanks in rank 7 as well - but not an 11.0 tank in rank 8. Besides, the Namer Tsrikhon is very, very similar to the already in-game, rank 7, 10.7 BR Namer RCWS-30 - why not put the Namer Tsrikhon in a folder after the Namer 30, in rank 7?
Israel really doesn’t need another ‘grind this variant of vehicle you already have for 400K RP’. We should make the Snail folder them. We need your vote to make them do it!

Do you think the new Namer Tsrikhon must be foldered after the Namer 30 in rank 7, to ensure easier research with less pain and a more complete lineup?

  • Yes. It must be done, for obvious reasons.
  • No. I will comment my reasons though.
  • No, and Iwon’t even explain myself because I’m worse than the Snail.
  • I don’t have an idea. Sorry mate
0 voters

They never folder end-of-the-line, do they? Guess that is the reason…

Doubt they’d ever folder it (not for a while at least), that would cut its costs dramatically, and they probably want a certain amount of grind for the new model to make their moneys worth.

It should definitely be rank VII beneath the current Namer though.

Puma VJTF is 11.0 and VII, KF41 is 11.0 and VII, makes no sense why Namer is same BR, same class, and similar weaponry but VIII.

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Type 10 and TKX want to know your location

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Fair point, that seems to be the rare exception though, and maybe they were foldered later at some point?
Consider the Leo A5 and A6 foldered in German tt bit not in the French.
Its all about the grind, comrades!

Ps! Not opposed to foldering at all, just trying to find a probable cause why they don’t!

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TOR-M1 and HQ-17 are also foldered on the dev server.

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