Namer 30 - General Discussion

It definitely should. Mk.3 with M322 is just a no go for 10.3.

It just doesn’t have the incredibly limiting drawbacks that the orher high pen tanks that are currently at 10.0-10.3 have.

480mm, 600mm, it won’t change much. It will pen the same tanks at the same spots

You don’t think the dozer blade is an advantage? You can literally dig yourself a trench to play hull down anywhere you wish, also you can basically neutralize enemy helis for the team simply by looking at them.

Which takes forever. Sure dig your little hole, I’ll push up and already be past your position on the map already.

Sure if those are 8.0-9.7 or at the highest some of the 10.0 helis, but most of the 10.0+ helis in game aren’t influenced at all by shtora.

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It has mid speed and no armor. I’d say those are some big factors. And the thermals are still bad.
Just look at the M60 AMBT at 10.0. It’s almost just like the Merkava MK3, but has a bit of a lower reload, and technically worse armor, but both get lol-penned so that doesn’t matter.

or the Challenger mk3 at 10.3 with a worse shell but better reload than the Merkava MK3.

You have the 2S25M at 10.0 with once again around the same pen, has a drone, has better speed, has an ATGM, I think better thermals?

Plus some other vehicles that are around or lower than that BR, still being completely busted.
(Freaking VT1-2 at 8.7…)

The MK3 needs to be 10.3 mainly so Israel can have an actual lineup, and also leaves room for new lineups to be made at 11.0.

As to what you said to me before, I mentioned that the Merkava has better turret traverse, but vertical speed and all the whatnot doesn’t matter a whole lot when you think about it. Whoever shoots first usually wins, and in a stare-off people don’t have to aim on merks. Gun handling mainly matters when fighting multiple people at once, but you usually die in those scenarios anyways.

Plus everything else I said still stands. Merkava mk3 gets outclassed by 11.7’s and vehicles of lower BR’s.


This just seals it to me, that you have barely any experience playing above 9.7 lol, let alone with other nations.

Vertical targeting speed is one of the more crucial stats at top tier.

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No…not really.
I’ve been constantly grinding 9.7 to get the MK3, and basically every tank has good gun handling. either you hit or miss, shoot first or die. targeting speed doesn’t matter when you are face to face, and it doesn’t matter when you catch someone by surprise on the side. As I already explained, russian tanks can aim anywhere, merkavas have to aim at weak spots.

But yes, I don’t have top tier, even though I’ve played it before. It’s just point and click. You wanna talk gun handling? Gun handling matters in WW2 era, where whoever can turn their turret faster can actually get a shot off and have a good chance to live if they screw up. At least with that, you actually have to aim and wait for the gun to stabilize, which is where having better gun handling comes into play.

I have 5 (soon to be 6) nations up to 11.7 in ground. When every tank has a 15-40°/s verticle targeting speed, having a 3,4°/s verticle targeting speed like the T-90A is absolutely a massively crippling disadvantage.

Also you can aim anywhere on a Merkava, true, but that doesn’t mean you will kill them with that shot.

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You will at least cripple them, enough to land at least another shot before they do. When a Merkava shoots at a T-tank, the T-tank is usually sufficiently intact to turn the turret, lay the gun, fire and cripple or kill.

Yeah, that isn’t the problem though. You were saying gun handling is important at top tier, while the T-90A isn’t top tier. Of course it’ll have worse handling compared to those.

Just to prove my point, majority of vehicles at top tier have the same turret rotation, with it being 23.8 in 6/10 nations.
Almost every top tier tank has a targeting speed of 24, with the lower ones being 23, 20, and 18.
Vertical speed is 22 in 3 nations, with the others being 17,13,11, 2 at 8.4,6.2, and 5.6.

The TKX, having the worst targeting speed and vertical speed in top tier, is still better than 5 other nations based off of the WT data project.

China at 10.0-10.7 has 3.4°/s vertical targeting speed, yet it has a better win rate than America, Germany, and Israel, all whose vehicles have higher vertical targeting speed by a long shot.

I just don’t understand. Gun handling helps yeah, but that doesn’t make the merkava a beast at 10.3.
Most vehicles actually have better handling than it at 10.3, and most definitely at 11.0.
Sweden’s is better, Italy is better, Germany is better, America is better. 4/7, with 2 nations not having 10.3. There’s a reason Israel has the lowest win rate out of all countries at 11.0. It’s because the Merkava MK3 shouldn’t be 11.0.

My points once again still stands. Good gun (not the best), average gun handling, worse than average speed, bad thermals, big hitbox, terrible armor. Vehicles at 10.3, higher br and lower br, are still a challenge for it. And as just a straight plus, 10.3 actually becomes a lineup for Israel, with the addition of the Namer.

Funny enough, stick the MK3 at 9.3 and it’ll still die easily lol.


How da fudge does china have a better winrate than Germany, tfff

This just seals it to me, that you have barely any experience playing above 9.7 lol, let alone with other nations.
Vertical targeting speed is one of the more crucial stats at top tier.

This also just seems like a way to discredit everything I’ve said just because I don’t have top tier.

A combination of everything will make it a beast at 10.3, way too good. It’s a tank with 10.7 capabilities, people not being able to use it well doesn’t suddenly make it a 10.3 vehicle.

Which is a skill issue on the drivers end of that specific Mk.3

I mean, unless this is an alt account or something, it is really strange to talk about vehicles you haven’t played like you know all about them. We can only go off your statcard to see which vehicles you have played.

i miss when this chat was talking about the namer 30


LOL…me too