My research


  • Leopard 1A6: moved below

  • SPz Ru-251 P2: moved to pc

Tamoyo-1 (german involvement)

猜样车 - #9,来自 Flintstone - 纸上谈兵 - 自由蓝星

Other wiesel variants

Wiesel 1 ATM HOT

Wiesel 1 RMK-30 + HOT

HOT-1,2,3 + M2HB 12.7mm HMG

Wiesel 1 HOT-2

Germany Ground Tech Tree

Panther II
Flakpanzer 341




Running gear designed for the e-50 in base of panther chassis
By Adler-Vertke

To give credit to the Germans - in 1944, MAN was offered a suspension scheme, often referred to as “silent block”. It was a twin-mounted Tiger II tank with 800 mm diameter, connected to a single unit. The support rollers were mounted on spring-loaded arms and placed on different sides of the single-drum track, although they used shafts of equal length in their design. The special strut bearing (which could be mounted on either side of the wheel) made it possible to change the position of the wheel relative to the cog. Springs with internal shock absorber were assembled from simple Bellevielle washers and placed in cylinders. The fully assembled Einheitslaufwerk (standardized suspension) was much more sophisticated than the torsion and allowed for a hatch to be built at the bottom. Compared with the serial “panthers”, the number of support rollers on one side has been reduced to six. With this in mind, the technological process of manufacturing the body changed from 16 holes for torsion now only six had to be made. It is perhaps too much to say how much this has simplified the production process. In terms of operational reliability, the advantage was also on the Einheitslaufwerk side and yet this type of suspension has never been produced in series.

E-100 production
Leopard 1 proto

(standard panzer)


PUMA proto

PUMA (Early)


Bo-105 PAH-1A2



[1.0] MBB Bo 105 & Airbus H135

Bo-105 LS A-3



Alpha jet WTD-61

Alpha jet WTD 61

Project ROSE
VAK 191B

The propulsion was provided by a Rolls-Royce/MTU RB.193-12 swivel jet engine and two Rolls-Royce RB.162-81 lift engines. The RB.193 lift/cruise engine was a two-shaft turbofan similar to the Bristol Siddeley Pegasus of the Kestrel/Harrier. It had four rotating side nozzles, which were adjusted by a Plessey pneumatic motor via cardan shafts and chains over a swivel range of 95 degrees. The air intake was optimized for cruising at Mach 0.92, but offered an additional opening for hovering and slow flight thanks to a movable front section. The two RB.162-81 lift engines were installed at a rearward incline of 12.5 degrees. In later versions, their jets were to be deflected by fuselage flaps.

Thrust and lift
The designers were convinced that this division between lift/thrust and lift engines represented the best compromise between the required take-off power and economical fuel consumption in high-speed flight. In terms of their arrangement, they offered positive ground effects, at least compared to a design with separate lift and thrust engines.

For control and stabilization in hover and transition flight, air was taken from all engines and blown out separately via a redundant pipe system at the wing tips and at the fuselage nose and tail to generate torque. The air nozzles required for this were directly connected to the rudders.

The control torques in the pitch axis were further increased by modulating the thrusts of the two lift engines. In the event of a lift engine failure, the automatic flight control system would have taken over control of the remaining lift thrust and kept the aircraft in a horizontal position to enable the pilot to eject using the Martin Baker Mk 9 ejection seat in a normal flight attitude. The pilot’s commands on the VAK 191 B were not transmitted mechanically to the rudder servo motors, but electrically, with triple redundancy using a flight controller - known today as fly-by-wire. In the event of a total failure of the electrical flight control, the rudder servo motors could still be controlled mechanically by automatically closing a clutch. The high-pressure hydraulic system worked at 4000 psi, a value that is rarely achieved even today. Due to the requirement With regard to the range at transonic cruising speeds close to the ground, particular attention was paid during the design to ensuring that the pilot should only be exposed to a tolerable level of acceleration in gusty weather. For this purpose, wings with a high wing loading, a small aspect ratio and a relatively large leading edge sweep were chosen, which were arranged in a high position due to the central position of the swivel jet engine and had a negative V position. To reduce the conventional landing speed and to shorten the transition distances, the wing was equipped with trailing edge camber flaps. In addition, the ailerons could be deflected downwards in the same direction.

Self-sufficient system
To make the aircraft independent of external energy sources in unprepared areas, a KHD T112 small gas turbine that could be started using a battery was installed at the rear. Coupled with a hydraulic pump and a generator, this auxiliary power unit supplied electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic energy for starting up the aircraft. In flight, this system served as an emergency power supply.

The landing gear, fitted with low-pressure tires, had brakes in the nose and main gear and nose wheel steering. A braking parachute was provided to shorten the roll-out distance during a horizontal landing.

The cargo area under the main engine was four meters long, 88 cm wide and 60 cm high. It was to be equipped with equipment sets pre-loaded on the ground. The early brochures of the Vereinigte Flugtechnische Werke list armament alternatives such as

▶ 1 x 450 kg bomb plus 115 kg equipment

▶ 2 x 450 kg bombs plus 115 kg equipment

▶ 4 x 225 kg bombs

▶ 2 extendable rocket launchers, each with 54 x 7 cm rockets.

Camera systems or on-board cannons and a 1700 l tank were also conceivable. Ultimately, however, an extensive on-board measuring and telemetry system was installed here, which made it possible to record, process, save and transmit the data generated during testing to a ground station. Of the total of 450 possible measured values, 260 could be recorded simultaneously on PCM and FM channels.

When designing the cockpit, it was taken into account that a V/STOL aircraft also spends more than 90 percent of its flight time as a conventional aircraft. The V/STOL-related additions were limited to the lift engine power lever, the cruise engine swivel nozzle lever and some engine monitoring instruments that were installed for testing reasons.

Technical data

Museum piece: The VAK 191 B V2 is now in the Defense Technology Study Collection in Koblenz. Photo and copyright: Schwarz
VFW-Fokker VAK 191 B

Manufacturer: VFW (later VFW-Fokker), Bremen
Crew: 1 on Martin-Baker ejection seat
Engine: 1 x Rolls-Royce/MTU RB.193-12 plus 2 x Rolls-Royce RB.162-81 F 08
Thrust: 1 x 45.2 kN plus 2 x 26.65 kN
Length: 14.72 m
Height: 4.30 m
Wingspan: 6.16 m
Wing area: 12.5 m2
Empty weight: 5562 kg
Max. fuel: 2100 kg
Max. take-off weight: 8507 kg
Maximum speed: 1100 km/h
Cruising speed: 740 km/h (test flights only up to 665 km/h)
Climb rate: 36 m/s
Service ceiling: 14,500 m
Range: 370 – 400 km

VAK 191C




  • BGT Aim-9 SHORAD: moved to pc
FlaRakRad (MAN 6x6)

Not needed strictly speaking but would be appreciated.
Could be added into the game at around 10.7 if VT-1 is removed.
(Exactly the same as the FlaRakRad)

Gepard 1A2 (EOTS II)


Screenshot 2024-10-16 073350
Screenshot 2024-10-16 073409
Screenshot 2024-10-16 073446
Screenshot 2024-10-16 073459
Flakpanzer Gepard upgrades | Secret Projects Forum

M113 pr ANZA


Dornier LLADS

Screenshot 2024-10-16 072914

Hotspur Rheinmetall Twin 20 mm Mobile Gun Platform


  • Roland M5: moved to pc

  • HFK/L2: moved to pc



  • Dornier/BGT Viper: moved below

Air to ground Missiles

  • SMAT AGM: moved below

Anti tank guided missiles



  • ACMA MFRL: moved to pc
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“Unpowered” power


Technical Specifications

Missile calibre:
Launch weight:
Missile weight:
Missile length:
Missile acceleration:
Missile Thrust:
Maximum speed:
Maximum overload:
Warhead weight:
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Extra info here

The submunition antitank, or SMAT, missile is an experimental BGT project to develop a submunition guided by an infrared seeker head. The weapon would be deployed by a standoff missile, after which the infrared sensor would search the ground for a tank; lock onto it; and steer the explosive warhead to an impact on the target. The company has tested SMAT by using an Alpha jet as a launch platform.

Tanks become the hunted again with another BGT demonstration program, the submunition antitank (SMAT). This weapon is designed to be dispensed from a standoff missile. The SMAT projectile contains no propellant, as it depends on gravity and the force of its ejection from the standoff missile for its velocity.
After deployment, the unit’s infrared seeker head autonomously searches the ground below for a tank. After identifying a tank, the sensor locks on the vehicle, and the submissile’s aerodynamic steering guides the glide weapon to its target. The search and lock-on occur after release.

The imaging seeker head is coupled with advanced circuitry and algorithms for identification and targeting. The system can discriminate between tanks and non-armored vehicles such as cars and trucks, for example.

A full version of SMAT has been tested by suspending the submunition beneath the wing of an Alpha jet, Pütz says. The aircraft released the unit to simulate deployment from a standoff missile dispenser, and the SMAT’s guidance system steered it to a direct hit on a tank.

A related program authorized by Germany’s Ministry of Defense aims to develop a submunition dedicated to destroying aircraft in their shelters. Known as SMASH, the submissile would dive onto a shelter from above and pierce its wall using a special penetrant. Once inside, the unit would destroy its target aircraft by means of a small warhead.

BGT is working with the German firm Diehl in the SMASH effort. A technology demonstrator effort known as MSS aims at developing a new dual-mode seeker head for standoff missiles, possibly of the kind carrying SMAT or SMASH submunitions.

The seeker head for this missile would employ the same antenna and aperture for infrared as well as for radar. A mirror would reflect both infrared light and millimeter waves. Waveguides take care of the millimeter waves, while infrared light is reflected down the axis of the system to a detector.

Visual References


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history header


Technical Specifications

Missile calibre:
Launch weight:
Missile weight:
Missile length:
Missile acceleration:
Missile Thrust:
Maximum speed:
Maximum overload:
Warhead weight:
Warhead penetration:
Maximum range:

Extra info here

look at this alpha jet pylon
now look at this Viper pylon
They’re the same pylon

Visual References

Screenshot 2024-07-25 172002

Screenshot 2024-07-25 172017

Screenshot 2024-07-25 172023

Leopard VT-2 (1A6)

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An expensive upgrade


German Ingenuity


Technical Specifications
Extra info here
Visual References


(German Leopard 1A6 VT-2 image). Six Leopard 1 s with the same weight as the VT-2 and VT-5 prototypes were prepared and different dynamic tests were carried out. The result was that the increase in weight had a very negative effect on the suspension and the engine, and it was also recommended to change the hydraulic drive and the gun stabilization system for an electric one. These poor results and the beginning of a time of general reduction of troops in the armed forces meant that this project also came to nothing.


(German Leopard 1A6 VT-2 image). The VT-2 prototype received a TZP-2 type armor upgrade, with the entire turret front and hull front being reinforced. It incorporated an IR fire reduction system by cooling the exhaust gases and also had an automatic fire detection and suppression system. This package of improvements supposed a weight increase of 4,600 kg.


(German Leopard 1A6 VT-2 & VT-5 image). In the late 1980s an attempt was made to create a package of gun and armor upgrades similar to that offered by Rheinmetall a few years earlier on their Leopard 1A6 prototype. This time two prototypes with different degrees of improvement called VT-2 and VT-5 were prepared, both keeping the 120/44mm smoothbore gun. In the VT-5 it was decided to apply a basic TZP-1 armor upgrade and add a PERI model RTW-90 sight. The pack was completed with an automatic fire detection and suppression system. These improvements increased the weight of the prototype VT-5 by 3,500 kg.



(German Leopard 1A6 image). In the early 1980s, the firm Rheinmetall privately began work to adapt the Leopard 2‘s 120/44mm smoothbore gun to the Leopard 1. For this task, a Leopard 1A1A1 was used, with a modified mantlet and turret interior. The idea was to enhance combat capacity and facilitate logistics tasks. However, if the conversion was successful, Leopard 1 users would be able to adopt it instead of having to purchase significantly more expensive third-generation MBTs. In 1985 the EMES-18 fire control system was installed on the prototype, but the project was cancelled in 1987.



got a post for that as well

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Resources Dump

space free

This really isn’t the place for that. You should keep this on your personal computer

bro had to put my thread at the top 😢😢

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