My favorite game is it yours to?

This game by far is hands down the best video game i ever played. And for a simulation, i love using my hotus setup and track ir5 with sim battles. Feels very good, yall did a fantastic job with yalls game, i am grateful and appreciate all the updates yall do each week on this game. I never seen any developers take pride in their work when it comes to development. Gajin to me ranks 1. Yall fixed the saraph cockpit even without me asking, and thousands of other issues. I dont have all the years locked into this game like others do but day by day it becomes more addiciting. Is this yalls favorite game to date also? What makes it so special for you.

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Ive sunk more hours into WT than any other game I’ve ever played however I wouldn’t say its my favourite, by a long shot to be honest.


Yes. Real WT players hate that they like WT.


It could be.

But I just wish they put more effort into certain areas on the game. New vehicles and vehicle related mechanic are always fun, but then the gameplay/gamemode you use them in just gets stale.

Im an Air Sim Main, that is what I spend most of my time in the game doing. But im getting bored.

the PvE side of the gamemode hasnt been updated in about 3 or 4 years and we’ve not even gotten a new map for the gamemode in 2.5 years.

and now, despite being in the mood to play it, I simply choose not to, because im not in the mood to drop a 1000lb bomb on the same patch grass for the 100 millionth time (im a mud mover most of the time. Thats the gameplay I enjoy, sue me) and its this that I think is unfortunately, slowly killing the game. What is above ground is amazing, the foundations though… are showing their age and starting to crack


Well, I am playing this game, and putting some efforts to my account too.
Because no other reason but I can see fancy planes like Tonka & Varks of mine in this game.

Still, gameplay experience nowadays is quite disappointing to me, thanks to Gaijin who only considers A2A dogfights for their Air mode.

If Bandai added Tornado IDS on AC7 and sells them as DLC, or didn’t remove Tornado IDS from their AC:AH Enhanced edition.

Ehhh I think I would’ve stuck with them, not playing WT instead.
Even though those games are quite a bit aging nowadays.

Of course, the gameplay experience presented by WT or AC is quite different.
It is obvious that War Thunder holds a tighter grip than Ace Combat in the ‘realistic mood’ feature.

But well, Bandai will sell their Tornado IDS DLC(If it exists) cheaper than our Tornado IDS WTD61 pack.
And I might not face napalm bombing fighters, which fly faster to the target, or some random angry guy complains to me about why I didn’t bring a fighter in ARB if I play those instead of WT.
Also, no greedy painful stock grinding there. :|

To me, WT was one of my favorite but never was ‘best’.
I still play this game, I still spend some money and time on this game.
But ranking of WT inside my mind is slowly decreasing every moment,
And I am unsure I will keep playing WT if when some replacement game which will promise me I can fly with Tonka there too.


I just wish there was competition to force gaijin to do a servicable job


A player union lol strikes would hold them accountable.

No good development/implementation/mechanics = -100,000 daily players

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The boycott attempt in May 2023 was a total failure and there is 0 reason to even try another.


Fair play

I only want a few things in war thunder to be fair

If they fixed what I wanted them to I would have legit 0 reason to complain


Yarnhubs making their own game. Might be something to look into

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I saw the video and that kind of thing never works out at all. Im not going to even bother checking in on it tbh

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Ive seen other games, only been on war thunder about a half a year, thanks for all the responses its nice to read everybodys opinion. I wasnt even aware of some of the events that happened in the past. But its good giys, to leave stuff back there in that past. Because we are about the FUTURE! making it a better place for everybody right!

Just curious, what other games have you played ?

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Right 😌

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I’ll choose to leave WT after Broken Arrow goes out and come back when it gets better.

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I actually still play War Thunder because I like tanks. I came back after more than 5 years in a row playing WOT, and when I saw that they were going to release an airplane game I decided to try it and joined the beta. After some time playing I saw that they decided to add tanks to the game, which excited me since I preferred the arcade realism of WOT, so I finally uninstalled WOT and started trying the GF beta and then play it when it was officially added. Like all beginnings, things needed to be fixed but it had incredible potential. The shame is that as time went by I realized that things were improving little by little until things changed completely. They started to make maps smaller and with more obstacles so that there would only be CQC, as more bullet models were added the damage was not balanced for all types of bullets to make it as realistic as possible, making the new tanks that were from the 50s and 60 will face tanks from 1945, and many other things. In the end, I only play about 6 games a day, with breaks of hours after two or three, because something always happens to me that puts me off playing.


Jiji i play arna 3,l heavily modded, forza h 5, diablo 2 remastered, gladio and glory on syeam its frer, cool decapitation gladiator game. Been waiting on the precinct and titan quest 2 to drop. But war thubder my fav out all

Cool man thanks for that info.

It could be my favorite… but it’s not.
I’m playing mostly because no alternative . And i’m mostly playing air.
But i do big breaks …
For example , after i’ll sell Strasbourg i’m off. I want to grind Su-30SM , but i’m already too tired to be honest. My stupidity though , because i didn’t protect my mood… I grinded Strasbourg to sell it to get money to buy other things and premium account -which is good point since i don’t like anything else than destroyers in BW anyway and i did it with coastal because it’s faster…but is horrendous as well.

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you have a good tactic at going about unlocking thumbs up

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