In the current battlepass I can only collect one item, then the next one isn’t available. Happens in both the free part and the pay part. Sometimes it suffices to restart the games, sometimes I need to restart the computer.
(A similar problem also occurs with the progress from tasks)
As you can see on the picture, I can’t collect the next task.
Restarting your game and doing a game file check from the launcher(Steam as an option as well) will generally fix a wide variety of issues. Once you have tried that, if you are still having issues, best to make bug report/support ticket.
Good Luck
I tried that. Nope. I also deleted the cache.
I also found people reporting similar problems in the past:
Welp, guess it’s a bug report thing . … or could do the “last resort” thing and delete and reinstall the game . . . that might do it. Just seems odd how something like that affects a very few players while the rest of us see no issues . . . weird
I had the Battle Pass bought for me by my youngest son (28) for my birthday this week. I was already on tier 34, and when i went to collect the non-free stuff, I ended up with the same problem. Some were locked and I could not get them. I came out the game back to desktop and re-launched, but to no avail. I did a shutdown/restart but that didn’t work.
I decided to do a HARD shut down to cure it. So I didn’t leave the game, I just turned off my PSU at the back of the PC, waited 2 minutes and then turned back on the PSU and then rebooted and launched the game. I was then able to collect the rest of my booty.
I don’t have a clue why what I did cured it, but it did work for me. Definitely a bug.
Had the same problem, but after couple of hours it got fixed.
Got same problem on my end. Restart, file check, cache clean… nothing helps.
Hope you check back in in a few hours to see if what is said above is something to check.