Multiple sights for one vehicle

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In real life, many tanks use different reticles depending on the current zoom and shell. This could make it easier to detect targets when zoomed out because there isn’t that much clutter in the way.

M1 Abrams zoomed out:

M1 Abrams zoomed in:

CV 90120 zoomed out:

CV 90120 zoomed in:

There are also non-digital sights with different reticles depending on the zoom. This is because you press a button on the fire control system that changes the zoom and reticle.

Image Stabilized Fire Control System on multiple Chinese tanks (from the manual of the MBT 2000):

Zoomed out:

Zoomed in:

Adding this feature to the game would significantly increase the immersion and realism of War Thunder, and I have already come up with a solution:

I suggest adding a new tab in the options menu. There you can choose two different sights (sight group 1) and a keybind to switch between them. If you bind the zoom key, it will change the sight when you zoom in and zoom back out again. It’s as simple as that.

For tanks with night vision/thermal devices, you could select two more sights (sight group 2) and a keybind to change sight group. If you bind “change sight group” to your night vision key, it will change the sight group when you select night vision.

Let’s say you are zoomed in on sight group 1 and switch to sight group 2, will the wrong sight be selected since you’re already zoomed in when switching sight group? This can easily be solved by making it so that every time you change the sight group, you zoom out. This will not be a problem since you can quickly zoom back in and most people will get used to it quickly.

Thank you for reading this suggestion!

Edit: this is just one idea that I have regarding custom sights. Other suggestions could be different sights for different cannons, and ammunition types and maybe a working backup sight system if the main optic gets destroyed.


To add to this suggestion, it would also be great to add keybinds for each specific sight. Then we could set the same keybind for selecting different shells and different sights. There are multiple more sights that use different reticles or text depending on the shell (M1 Abrams auxiliary, Bradley, M1128 auxiliary and more)




That would be Great!



Would go a looong way to improve realism and immersion.


Definitively +1


+1 cool would be a great step forward for the Game


+1 cool suggestion. Its very similar in nature to my own User sight overhaul Part 1: API for dynamic elements , although I hadn’t thought about changing the reticle when zoomed in though


Love your suggestion, we need better sight mechanics!

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+1, I would personally be using this in the future should it be added, the tank sights are one of the things that actually keep me on this game, as I get to try and replicate real-world conditions.


yoo this is cool. up & +1


+1 having only one custom sight doesnt make much sense, especially when the game automatically uses a different sight for each ammo type.

being able to use different custom sights would allow for much more freedom in choosing which sight to use, because currently you are stuck with whatever ammo and zoom distance the current sight is designed for.


+1 we need this feature, we need different sights for for each ammo type, each weapon (for example the bmp 3 30mm gun and 100mm gun and the ATGM) and for each zoom like the Abrams.


Agreed 100%


you should add to the og post the request for different sights for ammo types and canons, and when spaa locks a plane



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Late reply but another solution for this could be to add a line in the sight file, indicating that everything below it is for high zoom, and everything above it is for low zoom. Then we could keep it to 1 file.

There could be another line to indicate thermals in the same way, together with high/low zoom for thermals. Then we only need 1 sight file, which would be much smoother and easier to set up.