- Yes
- No
This suggestions is meant as a quality of life and teamplay improvement to the scouting mechanic as it currently exists. In its current form, the scouting mechanic limits each enemy vehicle to be scouted at any time by a single friendly light tank or AFV capable of using this mechanic. This leads to competition between teammates to secure the most amount of scoutings at any time. My suggestion makes scouting less frantic and also collaborative.
What’s it about? I propose that various “scoutings” from different players can be “stacked” on a single enemy vehicle. Any damage or destruction of the enemy vehicle will reward all friendly scouts that have scouted said vehicle equally (not splitting the amount of points and rewards, but all scouts get the full amount as if they had scouted that vehicle individually).
What would it look in practice? Lets imagine that in our team we have scouts A, B and C and in the enemy team we have enemy tanks X, Y Z.
1- A places an initial “scouting” on X lasting for (lets say) 15 seconds.
2- Then B places a second “scout” on X, prolonging the duration of the spotting for up to 30 seconds in total.
3- Now A will receive points and rewards for any damage that X receives until the active scouting runs out at at the 30 seconds. B will receive points and rewards from the moment it scouts X until the scout runs out.
4- Then C stacks a third active scouting, prolonging it to 45 seconds in total, he will also start receiving rewards and points since the moment he actively scouts X.
Neither A, B or C can stack an additional “scouting” on X until the their own individual scoutings run out (that is, A must wait at least 15 seconds to renew his, B must wait until at least 30 seconds since the moment the target was first scouted and C will have to wait at least until 45 seconds).In the meantime they can scout other vehicles (Y, Z).
So, X is actively scouted at the same time by A, B, C, resulting in an active scouting that lasts three times the duration of any individual active scouting. A, B, C receive full rewards and points for any damage X suffers (each of the scouts start receiving rewards from the moment the activate a “scouting” on X). If X, Y and Z were all actively and collectively scouted by A, B and C, all enemy tanks will be scouted for a much longer duration and A, B and C individually will be fully rewarded for scouting, damage and destruction suffered by X, Y, Z.
This tweak of the active scouting mechanic leads to collaborative gameplay between teammates instead of them competing for hoarding enemy spottings. In essence now teaming up in squads and using multiple active scouting capable vehicles at the same time makes sense.
What do you think?