Multipathing MUST be brought back

I’d like to see you do it


Trees are also huge in WT. They should be toned down and MP needs to be 100m. Right now Radar missiles are too op, compared to other system (IR, Gun).

no it doesn’t,… learn to notch or hide is better - increasing skill level


it is, since youre need to dodge enemy’s missiles


I think i already said it many times
It how modern air combat work
altitude speed and avionics is king here
and noone i repeat noone gonna come and dogfight with you like WW2 unless it last ditch of desperation if you wanna do some dogfight i guess modern aircraft isn’t for you
and I don’t want to come back into fox2 meta either it look stupid.


currently yes: you’re all the time spotted because of contrails, so ennemy picks you up on radar easily

I find it far less fun to be in an aircraft dependent on SARH/ARH like the tornado F3 or Sea Harrier FA2 and just watch as the target that I should be a fair match for, render my primary weapons totally useless and essentially dead weight not through skill, but simply by flying low to the ground. Which often forces aircraft meant for BVR combat to try and dogfight aircraft meant for WVR.

So many aircraft either are lower than they should be or need to be lower simply because MP renders them useless in the regime they should be good at.


saying climbing and spamming radar missiles need skill is wild, LOL.
But anyway Im all for reducing the multipathing when they figure out how to make good ground/trees/buildings hight/render/etc and all that…

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you know that each time you can make bug reports on invisible shits right?

I reported a guy two days in a row with most malicius TK ever, that was 15 days ago guys till plays normaly no concenquences… I have like 3 bugs opened since begining of december, not even looked at… So yeah whats the point?
they need overall update of ground on all maps IMPO. BUt again probabbly will happen this year

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Show us a video of you doing it than


I feel like 16v16 is inherently bad for gameplay and 100m multipath is needed to help combat the utter chaos by making survival a little easier and allow for defense while also posing an offensive threat. Notching and going cold is cool and all, but at the ranges people usually fight at in RB, these defensive tactics leave very little to no room to allow some offense of your own.

I don’t understand the historical accuracy argument when we are pitting 32 aircraft in a 100+ square km map. I play top tier anyway because the planes are so fun to fly despite the strength of missiles. If people want to LARP that’s fine, but player numbers need to go down.

I also feel a lot of MP discourse boils down to someone wanting MP increases, someone else calls them bad, and any kind of nuance is incomprehensible.

More like effortless braindead ways to dodge fox3 and back to fox 2 meta again?

then it on people not the game if they know that range can make defensive tactics less effective how about fixing it by I don’t know “Not go into that range?”
If people want 100meter multipath I suggested go ask gaijin but put it to arcade mode don’t put into realistic battle
Where it not belong


How is flying bellow 50 meters braindead way to dodge? Like what are you talking about??? So we shoud not have way to defend from Fox-3??? hahahahahah

Here is idea for you, how about you dont climb and spam and justwait for people to not be in multipathing? How about that??? Or you need like 4 kills in first minute spamming 8 radar missisles?

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Most of the time I don’t need multipath to defeat Fox3 notch chaff waste missile energy go cold etc
If i can do it why can’t other?


This is exactly what I was talking about in my last paragraph, you people have no nuance, it’s all “multipath is skillless” and “just stay out of range” without ever explaining how these changes affect gameplay in a way that makes it better or worse. Like sure flying below 100m isn’t hard, but having the ability to do that opens up other options. I could play more aggressive, act as a distraction without instantly dying and more. There are a lot of “skillless” things in top tier that come together to make generally skillful gameplay.

Regarding the range thing. Yes, good players will play around that, but good luck playing in a way to avoid all potentially dangerous situations in 16v16 while also not being useless.

Beacuse we are not you. You really expect all of us to do same thing?
Oke if we did so what then? You send 8 Aim-120 I defete them with chaff and notch, then I send my 8 and you defete them, then what???

Oh yeah I can afford 2 premiums per month, If I can why can’t other? what a silly question right?

You are correct.

60m is fine in my option. It takes more skill than 100m multipath.

We need RB EC, less flat maps, and less player density. RB EC is its own topic, and can be discussed elsewhere. I want to see maps more like Pyrenees and Afghanistan (but with the main combat in the mountains rather than the huge flat area), and less ones that are just completely flat. Player density can be solved by spreading players out through multiple airfields/larger maps, or by reduce player counts.


It is the fourth generation, they are managed with fox 3, no one forces you to play top tier, if you don’t adapt, you can go play at other ranks where your ability is useful.

Where does the concept fit that fourth generation planes should hit each other with cannons and fly at low altitudes, that is just a fantasy, modern war is different, you stayed with the concept of the cold war.


it simulates how modern air combat is about.
When the fox 3 came out new I won’t even be able to dodge one but i understand it how modern air combat work overtime i learned how to work around it

I pretty much do it all the time during Air RB match and no stay alive while wasting enemy missile are not useless action.