Multipathing MUST be brought back

By lowering it to unplayable level (high ass trees etc) top tier matches are just cringe now even more than they were
Everyone just spams fox 3 and all you can try to do is notch 12 missiles at once
This results in 5 minutes matches and braindead gameplay
Lower multipathing for sarh but increase it for fox3 idk just fix this stupid ass missile fest


No I’d rather them properly model trees and buildings to not be 5:1 scale so you actually can multipath with the current more realistic values.


You really expect them to go into such detail when arb maps look like they were made in some 2005 game map editor?


They got plenty of money at least, hopefully they use it well. Not some small indie studio, they also using inhouse custom engine.

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If you cant fight a plane that flies on ground level that says a lot about you

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If you can’t avoid radar missiles without an idiot-proof missile shield it says a lot more about you.


A lot of this sentiment comes from players first getting to certain BRs where uptiers means fighting planes that are better in every metric and also importantly outrange you exponetially.

Its no fun having to defend from attacks you cant make yourself. It gets worse and worse the higher you go. Gun kill range is like 1km? Steps up to 2km with early missles, some 3-4km, but you see gaps like mig21 bis 2km r60m vs f14 what 10-30km the jumps become worse and worse.

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You cant avoid fox3 when there are >8 coming at you

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You certainly can.

But it does mean giving up all early game posisition to do so.

Considering how fast matches are over it is actually not great missing the first big merge/fight because you had to notch f14 all game prior.

Difference between doing this in say a phantom instead of an f14 is, while the f14 is defensive flying he has 4 potential kills in the air doing their own thing. The phantom cant attack at all.

The other side of it is, in this game you also are fighting your team for kills. When you have to get close and your team doesnt… you get a lot kills pulled out from you. Also means defending and being out of posisition hurts you more.

So not only do uptiers suck in the conventional sense of you having to face superior planes, but now your higher tier teammates are also going to pose a threat to your ability to score kills.


Learn to notch and chaff


The hell are you doing to get >8 Fox 3s fired at you? 3 is the most I’ve ever been fired at.


No no, people ASKED for this so they deserve this shit gameplay

Meanwhile, I tried to do several matches in the FA2 and got no kills because every AMRAAM was defeated with ease by targets multipathing and I personally want to see it reduced down further


Nah its great gameplay. Its no longer “hug the ground = win”. You actually have to use your brain.

Remember the patch before multipath changes? It was just endless furballs with people spamming flares. Planes like the Gripen could literally just hold the pitch button and win without even trying.


Lmao use your brain?
Meanwhile brain requiring gameplay:
No positioning
Press lock
Press fire
Fox3 go broom
Furball >>>>>> fox3 spam 5 minute trash
With furballs flightmodels actually matter, now its just rng for every kill/death


People who die to SPAMRAAMs from long range deserve to die lol. They probably tried to multipath or just fly straight. Anyone with a functioning brain can dodge it. Oh and multipathing still exists, its just harder to abuse and not a free win anymore.


Players are influenced by grind. Playing agressive and stupid just so happens to be how most people succeed in getting a kill or 2.

Playing safe and waiting it out just leads to finding yourself in a hopelessly onesided match one way or the other after a few minutes

If its so easy to get kills with Fox 3s, why are you negative K/D on the F-16C? Your only Fox 3 plane.


With multipathing at 100m its useless, not only its almost impossible to fly that low you will just die from splash/get hit anyways

Because I grinded it and spammed it before fox3 addition