Multipathing makes ARH missiles useless

I recently got into Air Sim and have been enjoying the slower paced battles. I have noticed though that as soon as someone hugs the deck (not that hard to do on most maps), ARH missiles become dead weight. I finished a match earlier where I fired 5 at the same Su34. He was flying straight away from me, not notching or anything, and was around 5km away. Every missile I launched hit the ground with only the first missile launched from high up scoring a crit, and he still managed to almost make it to base. I had to get him with my guns because I was out of IR missiles.

This isn’t an isolated event. It happens every game. Sometimes I have to rearm without scoring a single kill because every player on the enemy team hugs the ground like a buccaneer pilot. I get that ARH missiles shouldn’t be instant death for any player being targeted but I get the impression that in it’s current implementation, multipathing is just too good. Combined with notching and chaff it makes any player borderline unkillable with ARH missiles.

I’m hoping I’m not the only one being annoyed by this and that Gaijin might rework it soon because currently top tier air is the only mode I actually enjoy playing and that joy is rapidly fading.


multipath must be eliminated. Dirt, Birds, aswell as power lines must be added.


Gaijin needs to massively decompress, as well as give all aircraft their best A2A loadout stock+chaff.

If gaijin doesn’t do that, it shouldn’t change.


It has to go in sims… they have to find solution to change multipath height based on game mode. In sims there shouldnt be any or absolutely minimal, just few meters high like 10-20.