Mozdok should be removed from assault map

Everytime I play Mozdok at assault I find it almost impossible to play in this map. The spawn point has no cover and being shot every 360°.


It’s a great map. Suggest watching some replays and studying the movements. Key to winning is in using the flanks and cover areas. If the other team gains the high ground you are pretty much doomed.

They’re talking about Arcade Assault.

There’s no real other team, nor an opportunity to flank as you’re attacked by like 30+ king tigers from 3 different angles with laser-precision 2-plane stabilizer guns. Seriously, if you’ve not yet seen a tiger do a sick air time off a hill and ammo rack you? You havn’t seen anything.


Just caught that - “my bad”

smoke shells are your friend.

Avoiding going into how badly the assault modes need to be revamped… there are a few ways you can survive on Mozdok (or any of the assault maps) with any deaths being usually related to air striking you rather than ground.

Firstly, immediately get off the point. Far too many players feel compelled to stay in the circle and not venture outsideof the cap area to get better position for flank or general firing. Especially important for ground assault as each death counts against our ticket loss.

Secondly, as previously mentioned air assets can obliterate teams if nobody is in reliable anti air to keep sky clear. There are players utilizing said designated vehicles as tank destroyers, without prioritizing air first, (usually zsu-57 folks for example) which can hurt the team, so i usually take an spaa even if outside the br bracket that i am currently in so that if need be ill just spawn into one to hekp clean it up.

Thirdly, maps are changing so check for new spots to either flank or approach the waves from, there are some that can be used very efficiently with minimum loss overall.

Fourth, smoke can be more bad than good. Yes it can conceal you momentarily from ai fire but many players forget that others may be obscured from visual of ai and cant take them out so they could approach to capture using your own smoke.

Fifth, carry the max load possible. Look, its no secret that the ai has uh… majic shots, so no point in carrying a pvp style load when you will need every shot if you go outside the cap area where the only way for ammo is to grab the repair/arm icons.

Sixth, using air spawns that aid the team… far too often there are moments when bombers are needed to either slow or elimate a wave, only to be someone in a fighter either chasing aircraft or trying to attack ground units, which really isnt as effective and with only one allowed at a time really handicaps the team (please note rank 8.3+ may be exception with advanced heli options)

Lastly, awareness… be mindful that many positions may be good against certain directions only, so if compromised by another direction, pop n shoot and then recover to wait for reload. In regards to this, also be aware of the vehicles you face and the capabilities of your vehicle… if you cant pen a tiger, panther, etc then at the very least, aim for disabling shots like tracks as it is just as important to stop the advance so that others can take them out.

Obviously there are more tips and tidbits regarding mode and maps, but these are enough to help you mostly survive bettter on assault games.

As for Mozdok itself, there are at least 6 or 7 spots you can use to effectively camp; to combat the waves of ai…

Courtesy of this steam guides image, the blue dots represent locations you can use to effectively attack from. Albeit the guide is a bit dated but most areas are not much changed… the best thing you can do though is drive off the point and find a spot that you can use for the future, it may take some patience but you may even find a new position. Take into consideration your vehicle size as well as some may fit better than others in these locations as well as your depression values for once that have steeper hill peaks.

Whether this helps or not, hopefully things get better for you. After all this, just keep in mind that many losses really can be attributed to not considering the things mentioned above, despite your best efforts, you cant control other players.

I know this was lengthy and can be missing many points, but should be a helpful base.

Best of luck o7

Apologies, forgot to include link for reference from guide.

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I kinda wish assault mode was players assualting an enemy position and not enemies assaulting a player held position

Like 73 Easting

Smoke shells on assault arcade do nothing but grief your team. Please do not.


Mozdok is decent for Assault, respawning in the open is a common theme on all maps unfortunately

If any of the maps should be removed; Sinai wins that easily


I haven’t been playing WT that long, just past the 300 day mark, but 95% of that is arcade ground assault. While I agree that most of the maps could do with a bit of improving, Mozdok isn’t as bad as it seems if people do it right. This may sound unhelpful, but let me add a couple of generic mistakes made in assault games.

Don’t ignore the bot planes. That is as stupid as it gets, since it means giving the enemy gift-wrapped, uncontested air superiority. Players are taking planes (not bombers), do something fairly useless, turn a few circles around the base, then crash it into the ground without shooting down bots. It’s not just that the bots have rockets or bombs, they also rearm after a while. Playing gets so much better if you’re not blown up, damaged, or set on fire all the time.

The bot planes are important to take out on every map, but there are varying degrees of urgency. Sinai only has one plane per wave except for two at the last, yet they will have destroyed most of the buildings if left in the sky by wave 7 or so, and without cover this map is even worse. Maginot features bombs on BR 4.0-5.0 and 5.7-6.3. The ugly prototype plane the bots are using delivers two half-ton bombs right on top of the turret, and a sizable portion of the base area will not show burn spots but craters. Ignore the planes long enough and you will have the opportunity to respawn in one of the bomb craters. If the match is going for long enough, the base area will look close to this: Passchendaele
The worst match in regard of planes that I played was Mozdok in the 6.7-8.0 BR bracket. Surprisingly it was lost only during the last wave, but there were only two planes shot down. That means that 20 Me 262 were circling and strafing, like anything jet-powered almost impossible to kill with the onboard MGs.

Keep an eye on the map to see where might be gaps in the field of bot fire. It’s not possible everywhere, since Sinai is adding a third dimension to this with the three right-side (east) bot spawns being elevated which makes it very hard to avoid moving out of one target zone without straying into the next.

Don’t stand in the reload circle, no matter how tempting free ammo looks. It’s rare if none of the three spawn points have a clear line of fire into the middle of the base.

Don’t come with a PvP loadout. A Tiger I carries 92 rounds, a IV H 87, a Panther 79 to 82, bring them all. As said before, if the game decides that a bot will hit your ammo, that’s it no matter how much you have.

No smoke in the base. It only keeps the bots from shooting you for the amount of time you can’t see the red markers any longer, but it will prevent every player near you from doing anything useful.

Now there’s one point which is useful but almost impossible to realise: if the lead bot tank in a wave is disabled and all the others stop behind it, do not destroy it. It’s preventing that spawn wave from coming closer to the base and gives the chance to shoot non-moving targets. It’s almost impossible because it’s very likely that somebody will go for the easiest kill.

And another which is not that easy: try to avoid getting killed during a wave. Most of the spawn points are out in the open. My personal record from respawning to being killed the next time is 2 seconds, once by a Pershing on Ardennes, and once on Sinai in a Leopard 1. (After some bad experiences, I refuse to play Sinai above BR 6.3, rather take the 9-minute penalty than doing that to myself.)

Mozdok never is an easy win - none of the assault maps are - but done right it’s much more manageable.

? you shoot at the a.i tanks and they can’t ire anymore

Interestingly enough we DID test a mission they had several years back where it was protecting a convoy as it went from point a to b against ai aggressors… but no further evaluation or discussion was ever generated in regards to it, but it was very refreshing from our present type.

I really wish there were more modes of escorting bombers, convoys, cap and secure, etc that not only would fulfill tanks and aircraft but even some encompassing naval as we desperately need a update to reflect what we have progressed to in vehicle tech.

Unfortunately it seems like even the added content is becoming generic in that maybe 3-4 unique vehicles are worked upon and the rest filler copy paste to only inflate the number of ‘new’ vehicles.

Would be nice to have open discussion (as previously promoted) but it is clear that is not the case as they never respond to certain issues regarding the game, especially when it comes to the assault arcade modes.

Agreed brother, it’s really annoying actually.