Mozdok, one of the most garbage maps

After all the changes gaijin is making to maps, ruining a lot of em for “good reasons” its impressive how yet they didnt fixed Mozdok, a map where the 1st team who pushes to middle map gets to spawncamp the enemy team, its just absurd, i always see the same pattern on this map, sometimes my team wins, sometimes the other team wins, no matter what, one team will get spawncamped until the match ends at some point.

Just played it, my team won the middle map and then the enemy team couldn’t leave spawn since minute 5 and they stood there without being able to play dying over and over until the match ended

Mozdok enters on a Top 5 shittiest maps for sure

Sometimes you lose and sometimes the others win. That’s how it is with this map.


Honestly do not mind this map at all, kinda prefer it to some


I’ve recently had a ~6.something match on it in my centurion and found it surprisingly balanced. Capturing B went back and forth for a while until a breakthrough was managed.


I think it’s actually a pretty good map. If some of the borders were changed up a bit and if it had multiple spawn points, it would probably be one of the best map in the game.

We don’t have that many medium-sized rural maps in WT, so it fills that part quite well.


Mozdok, one of the beloved maps for me.


dont get me wrong, you can find balanced matches and the map becomes fun but these “balanced” matches are weird to find, the map can be good but gaijin needs to change the spawns location terrain, you can spawnkill both teams from A and B

yeah agree, i feel like it can be good but rn it need hella improvements

Fulda >>>

I can concede, as with many maps, that the spawns could do with actual defensive advantages. Even just make-shift dirt mounds and tents to act as cover would be swell, and multiple spawns in general.

Tanks popping into existence from thin air in a place that has no reason for why the tank came from there is meh.


I like Mozdok because it’s a fight over control of B.
I miss Port Novo cause I miss the exclusive WW1 trench warfare map with no flanking.

Most of the maps are the same tactics over and over again.

My favorite maps in the game are:
Red Desert
Removed Port Novo.
Sands of Sinai
European Province

I want diversity of playstyles available.


Yeah, it needs; a rework, like, bad.

At least it has historical significance!

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Hey, at least it isn’t one of the removed variants. Thank God those are gone.

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That’s because the “mappers” red lined all kinds of areas that you used to be able to at least flank and put pressure on B.

Gaijin being Gaijin, don’t want anyone having to turn their head and look left or right and just push straight ahead.

Their constant adjustment to maps making them narrow and more focused, are favored by some who like the quick action, and by me as just stupid.

They seriously need to stop hiring the mappers from CS-GO or COD.


As far as I know, they didn’t change anything except blocking off a spot that allowed either team to easily spawncamp while being very protected.

The other side is still the exact same, and I see lots of people actually use it.

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Yep, north-east corner!

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get to the river fast or die

Yeah this map ain’t great, it gets super spawn campy really fast.

I imagine it’s actually not bad at lower BR’s, where engagement ranges are generally a bit shorter and long range is less reliable, but I haven’t played it at like 4.0-6.7 in a while.

The teams are trash the game development is trash need we say more?

It could be worse, I don’t think its thaaat bad a map. Just think of some of the old maps and weep.