You mean the F-90s that never hit bc most players are smart enough to fly low? Besides, all I said is that ppl complaining about it is funny. What personal attack was there?
It is because the jet can’t hit anything or it is because you can’t hit anything. F14A/IRAN literally dominate every match they are in. Does bro even play top tier where you meet them every game
It was meant on the loadout
Dominate every match? what matches have you been playing?
Playing more than you have for sure , been grinding brit 12.0 and meet them everygame , bro you don’t even play at that BR and even if you do. You suck at it
The fact they can force the enemy team to go defensive or die is what causes them to dominate.
It isn’t as bad as it used to be, but it isn’t that balanced. We just need decompression instead.
I agree, the IRIAF shoud increase its BR, to at least 13.0
Its crystal clear that the IRIAF is better than both F-14A and F-14B
IRIAF, compared to the standard F-14A is much more capable, so its BR shoud increase to match its performance boost
Dude, honestly, I agree with the decompression part, but raising the aircraft won’t help at all, it will only kill the plane more, the RWR is rubbish, the radar is Pulse Doopler HDN (not all aspect) It only has 60 countermeasures with an 1100°C engine, its engines are not that great, most of its BRs can fight head-on if they defend themselves from the Fakours (which is not difficult), to be honest, the F-14s only deserved to be above 13.0 if missiles like the Phoenix received the dual plane and were capable of pulling 25G, and received ALL aspect missiles (F-14B At 13.0 but without buff on Phoenix…) , otherwise the best current BR for them is 12.7 and 13.0 respectively.Ok we have aircraft in 12.7 with 60 countermeasures, but totally superior in flight model (even in armament) compared to the F-14A (F-16A, ADF, MLU, Mig-29A, Mirage-2000) all of these with AIM-9L, Magic II, R-60M, AIM-7M, R-530D and R-27ER which I guarantee are superior to the AIM-9H and P and superior to the AIM-7E2/F and the R-27R1.
Every plane at 13.3/13.7 is superior to it hands down
In performance of flight yeah,but in missiles no man,the F90 is one of the best LONG range FOX3 at the moment,u can shoot it on 50/60km
And can be defeated by turning around
I can strap a F90 to a biplane and that doesn’t suddenly make it 13.7 worthy
Man…u don’t even play top tier…so….and if u play it u have very low Hours and u don’t have expericied the reality of play every macht against spam of FOX3 (that is not a problem) but with the spam of fakour yes it’s a problem
the point is, COMPARED TO THE STANDARD F-14A, the IRIAF IS MUCH MORE CAPABLE, and both are in the SAME BR
Because the IRIAF is much more capable, its BR shoud increase, its simple.
Thanks man someone has finnaly understand
If you keep telling yourself that maybe it’ll make your cope more true!
If you can’t argue a point don’t try to argue it at all.
nerf the fakour just because its slightly better? so you want to remove the only thing that makes this plane different from the tech tree version? why would people even bother grinding events then?
You’re in luck, the F-14A was moved up to 12.7 where it belongs.
F-4F ICE is superior in every way other than sustained turn rate.
Fuel efficiency, AIM-120s, AIM-9Lis, countermeasure count, radar, RWR all superior to F-14A.
F-14A has… flight performance and a bit worse ARHs.
The only way F-14A moves up is if most of 11.7 - 13.7 move up as well, and definitely not to 13.7 where F-4F ICE would be 14.0.
Prove that Fakour 90 is over-performing.
Fakour 90 is a worse maneuvering faster AIM-54, that’s it.
That alone make it extremely lethal. Sitting at 12.7 sure as hell is over br for that missile but considering it see 12.0 and even 11.7 constantly. Th fakour is bloody lethal at that BR. Nerfing it would make the lower BR where it can see much easier to breath but would make game where it is up tier is harder for the jet to perform. It is a double whammy situation , doing anything or doing nothing would make people unhappy. BR decompression is the only way but gaijin aint doing non of that. So pick the lesser of two evil
This being the same BR as the F-14A and also being any lower than 13.0 is a joke
Every 13.0 and most 12.7s are superior to the F-14A Iran.
All 12.7s are superior to the standard F-14A.