Move the t80UD to 10.7 or even 11.0

The armor alone is to good for the br, most early sabots being stopped. I get the reverse gear argument but still, the round and armor combing override that issue. Most of the time they can peak corners without a worry and with their era, it stops all ATGMs in down tiers as well.


Isn’t the T-80UD essentially just a T-72B (1989)? I suggest you learn their weak spots first.


In summary, yes. But people tend to forget about this.

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It’s a direct upgrade, better reload timer and better optical zoom, only negative is it sounds like vacuum cleaner.


Marginal upgrades that don’t warrant BR increase. Its basically a slightly better T-72B 1989

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The hull armor is greater and in a full down tier its fully impenetrable.

Actually, I want the two T-72B to move back down to 10.0 lol


It does have good armour but it still has weakspots and other aspects that balance it out like the fact that its missing thermals, its poor gun handling, no depression, and its mediocre in mobility.

I don’t think the T-72B 1989 is comparable to something like the Leo2k. Russia also just doesn’t have 10.0 vehicles (except for the 2s25) so there isn’t an ideal lineup for it.

That’s just not true

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I don’t get it, do you think it’s better than the 2k or it’s worse? moving them down as I suggested mean they are equal, if they stay at 10.3 then it means they are overall better. I think the two T-72B variants is crap and I can’t perform in any of them, there is nothing to work on with that lack of gun depression and crappy optical zoom, I actually finds the T-64B overall more well-rounded.

I mean the T-72B 1989 is better than the 2k.

the era stops sabot, happens all the time

I have killed hundreds of T-80UD’s in my france 9.3 lineup, and my chinese 9.3 lineup, just shoot LFP or driver port, lol


One is a better cqc brawler and one is a better sniper, I think they should balance the br base on maps lol

Killed a bunch of T-72Bs with the M48 Super, the optical zoom is just good enough for me to reliably hit the weakspots, but mostly I kill them through the side of the tracks because they angled a little. Mostly OHKO

This is way too complicated and too much work and could really cause some problems. Because how would you quantify a tank’s effectiveness on a certain map and adjust BR accordingly? Gaijin would also need to do this for every tank for every map.

Because its ERA randomly stops darts.

And I’d know. I love the UM2 and I can’t even count how many times my side ERA, which is the same, has just stopped DM53 or M829A2 completely.

Despite the fact that the ERA shows that you should penetrate it, you just sometimes don’t.

Russian ERA is weird.

The T-72B 1989 also has K-5 ERA

The coverage is not nearly the same.

I can tell you from experience that these things are wildly good.

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Large Tunisia for example, Chieftain MK10 I would rate it as high as 9.7, T-64B 10.0, T-72B 9.7, T-72B 1989 9.7, Leopard 2K 10.3, T-80UD remains 10.3. Really, people shouldn’t have downplayed the optical zoom level, it decide how quickly you can make an accurate shot