Title speaks it all, it makes more sense for it to go there, as to get to any ranks of the actual Japanese planes you have to grind through the unbearable Interceptor line. Their vehicles themselves also make more sense for the strike line, like the Alpha Jet, A-7D, and other similars really belong to that line, not to mention the extra space there will be after April 30th.
Maybe Gaijin is thinking of giving another sub tree to Japan
They really just need the F-2, and not another tree.
Well we know Gaijin’s ‘distorted’ love to Japan. Besides, F-2 likely comes as attacker ingame, so maybe give another tree under logic of ‘JAS-39 is not strong enough CAS fighter for mighty Japan!’
F-2 is CAS? It’s a better multirole fighter than the gripen, and that’s coming from a grade-A SAAB glazer. It can carry four AAM-4’s, four AAM-3’s, and bombs too.
As I said, under condition of F-2 as ‘attacker’, similar as F-15E.
0 Reason to do this.
Top tier isn’t the whole tree. Reject missile thunder slop, embrace early jets.
I enjoy early jets, I mean the F-2 is their only missing link and could make their top tier competitive.
Not only will Japan likely get more sub-trees, but they do need room for domestic equipment such as the P-1.
And sub-trees.
@굴러온 F-2 is a fighter, not an attacker.
F-15 is also not an attacker, but implemented as attacker in-game. It’s on Gaijin’s choice, not on real-life context.
Until you find out that F-15E is primarily an attacker in IRL doctrine and its primary funding mechanism.
Whereas F-15C is USA’s primary air superiority fighter.
Those big engines on F-15E isn’t to make it faster for air superiority, they’re there to make it faster for ground strike missions.
And so is F-2. It’s primary anti-ship attacker that replaces F-1. Air superiority is not main mission of them. It is for F-15Js.
Besides, it is more beneficial for Japanese players to implement F-2 as attacker as it will not collide on spawn point with thai F-16 or Gripen.
That’s not how things work.
Not unlikely, two subtree nations seems to be normal
Britain → South Africa and India (+Australia and Canada sometimes)
Italy → Hungary and Romania
France → Belgium and Netherlands
And Sweden who are getting a lot of Norwegian content recently, even if it isn’t confirmed yet.
Indonesian line for Japan could be nice, since even with Thailand there’s a big gap in potential compared to the big three or Britain.
There are a lot of cool aircraft / ground units japan can get with Indonesia
same with Malaysia,
as Thailand doesn’t really bring Japan a lot of aa to fill needed gaps
F-2 is a support fighter, same as the F-1. This is essentially a pacifist Japan way of saying attack aircraft. Though generally the concept of a support fighter is more along the line of modern day multi role aircraft, only with their main one being strike missions while air to air is seen as secondary instead.
Then again, F-1 is classed as a fighter in game. So they probably just see strike fighter as fighter.
The F-15E is called the “Strike Eagle” for a reason.
though it is ‘fighter’ in US Air force. nickname and role is not always match. We call F-14B bombcat, that makes F-14B an bomber?
as MAUSWAFFE saids, F-2 is support fighter. That’s why it didn’t receive HMD upgrade while F-15J does. Actually, more worse in CAP role than F-15E as F-15E received HMD.
‘Strike’ aircraft is little tricky in this game. F-1 and MiG-27 received fighter, while Firebrand and F-15E received attacker. They will get role as tree needed.
The R2Y2 line isn’t a fighter line, it’s a fighter bomber/attacker line