Move sea fury and seafire fr47 to 5.0 or change hispano mkv belts

Clearly the game doesn’t share that opinion as they’re both 5.7 in RB

Seafire FR47 has an SB rating of 6.0.

Nah. Sea Fury with stealth belts is God Tier. Nothing can catch you on the deck with MEC and stealth belts shred everything with mountains of ammo to spray.

oh right, I imagine it’s counter rotating props make it even better for Sim

gotta try that once my HOTAS works again

Yeah, my thought too

“god tier”


doesn’t play sea fury

yeahhh “this killed me so it must be OP” mindset

the sea fury is a 3.7 performing plane and the cannons are so random that they will tickle aircraft. On the deck it barely does 530, that is slower than the j6k1.

It has to move down to at least 4.7.

they’re so high in BR because only four people have the nads to play them and are good at them.

I think you may have officially lost the plot…

Granted Hispanos once in a while can have inconsistant damage. Blowing a wing clean off in what feels like a single hit and then the next encounter multiple rounds seeming just to “hit” but they are far from bad. More often than not, a well placed burst will just shread the target.

Based upon stat cards. The Sea Fury leaves the J6K1 in the dust. Sea Fury has a max speed of 724 kmph vs the J6K1’s 686 kmph. So I have no idea why you think an aircraft that is a full BR higher than the Sea Fury and actually slower than it is a good yard stick for why the Sea Fury need any BR reduction. (in fact it almost indicates maybe it needs a higher BR )

Advocating for an aircraft that to me at least on paper looks to be about right for the 5.7/6.0 BR to go down at all just seems totally off-base. But if it does need to go down at all. Then advocating for reasonable BR reduction might aid you a tad. Perhaps argue why it needs to go down to 5.3 before arguing that it needs to go down to 3.7 (where it would dominate everything with absolute impunity)

Check the Sim stats bub

Edit: and a majority of the deaths come from using it for CAS in Ground Sim, not to other fighters

so you admit… that it really is

a skill issue?


It’s also worth noting, unless I missed an update, the Sea Fury is still being limited to peacetime engine settings

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can we talk about the sea fury too please

indeed, it’s a skill issue and i’m sadly part of the players that pump it up in BR. 3.7KD and counting also my highest KD of any (actual) plane. My Potez 20mm + 7.7mm at 3.3 is 15 to 0 but who cares, took the plane to start grinding france for a mirage but bought the sc4 for 20 bucks.

Took it out for a spin last night. Just as dominant as ever, if not moreso as now it can play without dealing with 6.0 and 6.3 all the time. Stealth belts still rake everything from single engine fighters to at least medium bombers, didn’t get to shoot any heavies. The only time I died was diving on someone and exceeding 472 knots, causing sudden wing top ejection, yet still has enough controllability to aim and kill the guy, just not pull up in time. Best visibility for a prop, tied with most of the other bubble canopies.


The FR47 doesn’t need to go down in BR, it needs its proper flight model. It’s underpowered by a couple hundred HP

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