It’s a fighter with 4 18G load missiles, and it’s got countermeasures. In addition, its chassis is better than A-4. I find it difficult to understand why Ayit is not at BR 9.7.
Because it wouldn’t matter
Have you ever played the thing? Its not all the stat card makes it out to be. Its got some of the WORST energy bleed in game, while being subsonic. No radar, the worst RWR in game, 60 counter measures so a 30/30 split. Its also paired with the incredibly unreliable DEFA552 cannons mounted at the bottom/root of the fuselage and only having 300 rounds.
While we talk about weapons, its extremely easy to say 18G missiles = OP when in reality, 2/4 of those missiles (AIM-9D’s) are “fine” for the BR and are often met with aircraft with the same or better missiles. The other two (Shafrir 2’s) are simply a slight upgrade from AIM-9B’s which are an extra 10 second guidance time, 18Gs compared to 10Gs and a slightly higher top speed(Often unreachable due to the weight of the missile and the extremely long burn time needed to hit those speeds, while being above 6,000m shooting at a target lower than yourself) and of course being uncaged(Which is often a hassle as distant flares, the sun and your teammates become prime targets, easily) and a major downgrade from AIM-9D’s in just about every way.
This requires the Shafrirs 2 to be used with extreme precision and timing, which is very difficult to do in a aircraft that practically ensures you are dead after a single wrong move as you will be well under Mach speeds, often in the the 400-600km/h range.
There’s always worse, have you seen Russian RWRs?
Not everything has to be supersonic mate.
Doesn’t need one
Honestly a plentiful amount.
These are extremely potent and reliable guns in my experience. Don’t know which guns you’ve been using…
The Shafrir 2 isn’t just an upgraded Aim-9B. It has a really lovely turning circle, great range for what it offers, mediocre flare resistance sure, but also has a gimble limit (a large one at that). Its more of a close range missile yes, but its extremely effective, especially at 9.7
The Aim-9D pairs with this quite well, as it solves the two problems the Shafrir 2 has. That being low flare res, and range. Its got some nutty range and decently high flare res, extremely potent at 9.7 (but it being a caged seeker head can be a problem from getting some launches.
The Ayit should be 10.0 in Air RB really. They can always add the A-4F in its stead (non uprated engine, and only 2 9Ds). It’s simply too strong at its BR.
Don’t get me wrong I love the Ayit and its matchmaker, but it’s preforming too well against the jets it’s facing, which it honestly shouldn’t be. If we must, I’d also say slap some Aim-9Gs on the thing and put it at 10.3 Air RB (But that may be a tad bit much).
Ayit is probably my favorite plane in the Israeli tech tree, great missiles, acceleration is amazing, turn easily and climbs high. 60 is doable in 9.7.
All in all, extremely potent Aircraft.
The only aircraft I managed toget a 5 game streak with 4 kills each
Placing the Ayit at 10.0 is a ridiculous idea. Have fun notching missiles the RWR cant position or even detect, and if you do manage to magically get the perfect notch while throwing out chaff, enjoy having bleed so much speed that avoiding anything else, Including AIM-9Bs, for over a minute will be impossible.
And I don’t know why you think the Shafrirs 2 are not upgraded AIM-9Bs, they were literally created with the AIM-9B in mind. I’d love to acquire this “lovely turning circle” you think they have, because from 1.1km a Mig-21F was able to just slight pull his nose upwards going 800km/h~ at 600m and was able to avoid a Shafrir 2 with not a single issue. In fact, the Shafrir 2, LOST ME the kill, as it works exactly like a AIM-9B, a way to get the enemy to burn energy in close proximity battles and as soon as that happened a teammate was able to dive into him and claim the kill.
This scenario would not have happened with just about any other missile at 9.3-10.3 that commonly have over 18Gs, often much more. (R-3S, R-60MK, R-73, R-60M, AIM-9P, AIM-7D, AIM-9L, AIM-9G, AIM-9J, LwF 63/80, RB24J, SRAAM, Magic 1’s) So again, I really fail to see how because this aircraft has four mediocre missiles compared to its competitors, means it has to go to 10.0 It truly seems like you are singling out this aircraft because it counters whatever you play. There are plenty of other aircraft that carry upwards of 2-4 BETTER missiles, often on wayyyyyyyyyy better airframes.
Edit: And not to mention GAIJIN JUST REVIEWED THE AYIT.
Maybe its “over preforming” when you encounter it, but number don’t lie. It more often than not preforms on par or worse than its peers. This is not a premium vehicle we are talking about. It does not get special abilities to avoid being placed in a “proper” BR, Like the notorious XP-50 or Wyvern especially being in Israel of all nations.
If Gaijin saw this aircraft was just dominating match after match, they would have severely crippled it by moving it to 10.0+, but again, even after Gaijin Inspected the Vehicle and its stats with the recent BR change, it was deemed to be at the appropriate BR, I myself, even contacted Stona_WT to ensure the change was being made to arcade and not RB. He assured me that was the plan.
Surprise, surprise. A USSR main that doesn’t even have the Ayit unlocked, only the Sakeen.
This post is beginning to smell more and more like skill issues if im being very honest.
why are you carrying chaff in the ayit?
I agree, it could probably go up, but not before everything else above it also goes up in a big decompression, as it shouldn’t be the same BR as the AV8A/C and especially the german hunter
Yes I forgot to mention that Hunter F58. A live proof of the stupidity of gaijin. Doesn’t really need brain to win in this beast.
Agreed. We now have too many aircraft with good missiles at BR 9.x. some of them even have countermeasures.
Aircraft like Ayit and Hunter F58 are just so amazing. Good flight performance, high G load missiles, and countermeasures. They simply have everything you need.
I think the B-57B has a 2 hemisphere RWR last I checked
You don’t see radar missiles at 9.3 so it can safely carry 60 flares, and it has good enough flight performance for 9.3 it isn’t like the SU-25 or A-10 which are total bricks at their BR, the 30mm DEFAs are also amazing with more ammo than the standard 20mms for the A-10.
I’m not saying it needs to move up a BR but it certainly wouldn’t hurt, and before you say I’m biased, it is straight up my favorite aircraft to play. The thing is great fun and a very good aircraft for it’s BR.
I disagree. It’s good, but not broken, and the wings tend to rip off when you need them most. 10.7 meta is too strong for him
What is this even supposed to mean? Its clear you are just posting in a blind rage. Its no ones fault you cant counter Ayit’s other than yourself. If you want to make the correlation that because I play arcade I know nothing, then thats on you pal. I came with facts, that you did not address, and you came with insults from 2012 “hurhurhur arcade player bad”.
Well guess what buddy, im not the one complaining about a aircraft that’s at a perfectly fine BR. Sorry the aircraft you decide to fly can get killed sometimes, thats just how it is.
Why are you running chaff at 9.3? I dont bother until 10.7+
Also. Given most aircraft dont have any CMs at that BR, 60 is a LOT
Again… a LOT of aircraft at that BR dont have any, which is worse.
Chaff is helpful for dealing with the R-3R and any other radar guided missiles you might encounter.
Do you want to know what counters the Ayit at the same BR and does it with ease? The MiG-19 dude, you should try it that thing is a beast, Ayit doesn’t stand a chance