On January 26th, 1788, the British flag was raised for the first time on the coast of Australia, marking the establishment of the first colony on the continent. Each of the colonies celebrated its own foundation day throughout the 19th century, but at the beginning of the 20th century, Australia was united. In 1935, January 26th was chosen as the date of the main national holiday.
In honor of this holiday, we’re continuing our “Moments of Valor” video series, this time dedicated to the armed forces of Australia. We’re also offering some premium vehicles in a special pack with a discount in the Gaijin.net store, plus some Australian camouflages that can be purchased for Golden Eagles if you have the vehicles, created by players on the War Thunder Live portal!
* these camouflages can also be obtained if you already own the respective vehicles and play 3 battles in each of them from today until February 3rd (11:00 GMT). The camouflages can also be purchased separately for Golden Eagles during and after the event.
The “Per Ardua Ad Astra” title and portrait “Corporal Skippy” will also be automatically granted to all players who own all vehicles from the Moments of Valor: Australia Pack or who purchases it until February 3rd (11:00 GMT).
Unique portrait “Corporal Skippy”
Discounts on Australian vehicles!
Each vehicle in the Moments of Valor: Australia pack can be purchased separately at a 50% discount! This means that Plagis’ Spitfire LF Mk.IXc and the Boomerang Mk.II are temporarily available to purchase with Golden Eagles during the event. Please note: the Boomerang Mk. II can only be purchased if you already own the Boomerang Mk.I.
When: From today until February 3rd (11:00 GMT).
Where: Great Britain > Army / Aviation > Premium vehicles.
The Boomerang Mk.II is an Australian-made aircraft that was widely used in the Pacific theater of World War II. The Mk.II is highly maneuverable, armed with 20 mm cannons and 7.7 mm machine guns. And unlike the first model, it’s capable of carrying two 250 lb bombs for ground attack.
The Spitfire LF Mk.IXc was flown by RAF ace John Plagis in 1944. This fighter is armed with two 20 mm Hispano cannons and four 7.7 mm Browning machine guns. This aircraft is available in the camouflage of Captain Clive Caldwell, the highest scoring ace of the Royal Australian Air Force in World War II.
Get the “Australia Day 2025” decal!
You can get yourself this themed decal by meeting the criteria shown below.
When: From today until February 3rd (11:00 GMT).
Task: Play 3 battles using British vehicles at rank III or above to receive the “Australia Day 2025” decal!
“Australia Day 2025” decal
Additional details:
Your activity must not be below 70%.
You can complete the task in random battles, except for Enduring Confrontation missions, [Assault] mode and Helicopter PVE battles.
Track your progress in the hangar by clicking Nickname → Achievements → Holidays → Australia Day.
You can find the decal in the “Holidays” tab in the customization menu.
However, to truly honour Australia, I wish M1A1 AIM was properly represented by finally getting its service and historical KE-W A2 round.
There’s absolutely no reason to keep M1A1 AIM castrated with the unhistorical KE-W shell (worse than the M829A1 shell found on the basic M1A1 on a lower BR), while it sits at the exact same BR as M1A1HC, Click-Bait and M1A2, all of which are equipped with M829A2, which is still better than KE-W A2 would be, while also having better armor as well.
So I spend some time yesterday to grind for the skins and here is some feedback.
The positive part is that the requirements say “play 3 battles” and not “win” and I mean that as positive feedback.
The 70% activity were no problem on the Ground related skins, but certainly on the planes. This little exercise also highlightes (again) the issues with the current Matchmaker, because almost all battles were uptiers.
Since all the vehicles were premium, that was not as bad as the experience I usually have when trying to spade TT vehicles…
It would be quite nice, if we had an option for the Matchmaker to select an Up-/Downtier range from:
“On BR”
“+/- 0.3 BR”
“+/- 0.7 BR”
“+/- 1.0 BR”
This way we can chose a more narrow bandwidth of BRs, which helps when spading a vehicle, even though the wait time might be a bit longer.
Good load of content, especially the massive Pack, and the Leopard skin in particular looks fantastic.
I make the following comments;
The US Grant? …really? Would be good to see an option for the British Grant Mk I in the Pack, which otherwise contains only GB TT vehicles.
Why is Skippy wearing US equipment? Maybe not a big deal to most, but for Australian players it sticks out like a sore thumb. See Razielkaine’s thread.
Artistic license aside, the Southern Cross on the “Australia Day 2025” decal is distinctly pissed.
Now this is a proper event. Thank you for including content from rank 1 through rank 7. Give w little bit of something for both ww2 enjoyers and modern players. I hope we see more of that in events going forward!
Not this time, no compensation or price reduction if any of the vehicles are already owned:Gaijin.Net Store - Per Ardua Ad Astra Pack
IF you do purchase the pack however, all the camo’s, profile picture, and title are awarded immediately, for all of the applicable vehicles. I purchased the pack, only had a couple of the vehicles already, was cheaper to buy the pack itself rather than purchase each vehicle separately (the cheapest option will depend on exactly how many of the vehicles contained in the pack that you already own.) So, even if you already own all 7 vehicles you could purchase the pack to get all the camo’s, pfp, and title without having to complete the tasks. If you wanted to spend $'s instead of grinding the rewards.
NOTE: The Japanese F-4EJ ADTW is not in the combined store pack, and its camo will not be awarded by purchasing the combined pack. You either have to buy its specific pack directly now, or if you already own it, by completing the 3 matches with 70%+ activity: Gaijin.Net Store - F-4EJ Phantom II ADTW Pack
FINAL NOTE: The decal is also not included in the Gaijin.Net Store - Per Ardua Ad Astra Pack, you must complete 3 missions using British vehicles Rank III or above, with 70% activity:
I still can’t believe that the F-4E skin was given to the F-4EJ just to sall the pack… the jets in RAAF service were literally leased from USAF and later returned, yet the F-4E in the US tree gets nothing.