Modules for Choppers BROKEN!

Look I get why we added these devices inside these vehicles but the problem is you guys made it to the point were if you take a 7.62 round you cant use your Weapons WHAT THE HECK???

Where are the Backup systems that these Choppers and even Jets/Airplanes would have but yet not Modeled which has completely destroyed game play for Every Chopper, this 100% needs to be reworked or even Rolled back and removed from Choppers until we actual get the Correct Modules put into each chopper.


I don’t own any of helicopters, except very few where you can buy by the start of the tech tree but nothing beyond this,

I think this helicopter changes was a kind of double edged sword, players can now knockout helicopters with more ease but helicopters players has to deal with a much vulnerable vehicle.

I mean, there are close support helicopters like the Ka-50, Mi-24 and others. And they should remain operational after a few hits.