Modern ARH (FOX 3) Missile - History, Performance & Discussion

What is the differences in claimed max range for AIM-120A and AIM-120C-5? (Irl)

Therefore, for the R-77, it seems that the close-range maneuverability is not as good as that of the 120A, although the grid fin and 50G overload.
MICA is the best, which is to be expected.The TVC can produce a large overload when just launched.


there derby

The derby went to see Jesus ofc


The derby wanted to become a space shuttle.

I see Derby/R-Darter went to do it’s anti-satelite duty as always

Keeping the skies (and stars) extra clear :)))

Derby is not bad at close range, but MICA is better.

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Derby would be good if not the fact that over 16km it goes vertical

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I don’t see 50G for the R-77


Could you perhaps do some range tests between them as well?

last i checked the datamine, pl12 for whatever reason had identical seeker stats to the aim54… dunno if thats bad or good compared to the other fox3’s. Pl12 is constantly missing and loosing track… Like its going for chaff. Its so bad i dont expect to get a kill from them even at like 5km range. I should have known they’d be like this


FOX-3’s chase decoys like moths chase lamp. The new missiles are honestly trash.


Well at least moths don’t chase the light through walls

Looks like gaijin buggered it

Didn’t they nerf its fin AOA recently? Probably to give it better ranged performance? Either way, it doesn’t make sense that at Mach ~1.7 its performing worse than AMRAAM in G-pull, since that’s like, the ideal speeds for the gridfins to maneuver.


On the contrary, they worsened the AoA from 40 to 36 degrees

That’s what I mean, that change should reduce drag over time yeah? (The fins don’t move as much)

But then that hurts turning performance, which already seems to not be anywhere near correct

This does not affect the drag in any way.It is set by only one coefficient of CK, although there should be at least 4

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Question, if a missile goes pitbull but then loses lock and goes back to IOG, does it also still receive datalink information or is it shut off once pitbull?

I’m curious if hard locking a target would produce better results where aircraft radar still has a good lock and can basically fully guide a missile in whether the missile seeker acquired the target or not.

quote=“Nagisei, post:514, topic:29021”]
Question, if a missile goes pitbull but then loses lock and goes back to IOG, does it also still receive datalink information or is it shut off once pitbull?

I’m pretty sure only the R-27 (Ahistorically) has the capability to reconnect Datalink once a target has been lost.

It should not, since the missile would still have its notch gate to contend with, and now would have an additional notch gate too. At best you may confuse the enemy with 2 different radar locks.

IRL the Phoenix could be SARH guided, but again, that’s 2 Doppler gates instead of one, which is worse.

Hard locking may provide a more ‘stable’ target track though, so you are less likely to lose the target while your missile moves to Pitbull range.