Mobile artillery piece 155mm armor penetration is 61 millimeters to 64 in this game

I would like to know if anybody’s got any clues. ON, how a 155mm round can blow your tank up when it hasn’t even reached your tank, or this new update has a big bug in it and how in the world can it penetrate that much armor with only 61 millimeters of armor penetration or 64 millimeters? Has anybody got any clues? Here are some pictures with all the armor specs for this tank. This guy blew up!

Overpressure, HE doesn’t need to exactly penetrate as much as it just needs to hit a point that it can overpressure. From the angle in the photo it likely was due to hit his LFP, which would’ve been an optimal spot. The reason it didn’t hit is likely a case of latency or just replay jankitiness. It’s very common to happen in replays from my experience. I think the real question here is what the hell was your team doing?


The points you are talking about are the horizontal armour plates. HE shells’ penetration by high-energy action penetrates armour in all aspects. For example, the thin chassis top armour of the tank in this case never stood a chance.

unlike Kinetic warheads which have effect with exactly one point of a tanks armour Chemical Warheads like 155mm HE will effect all parts of your armour that are within it’s blast zone

Like for example the Roof of your leopard’s hull, which iirc isn’t quite 64mm thick ?

This is how SPHs work. They try to get their shell to detonate above very thin (< 64mm) plates usually found on hull/turret roofs.

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Explain this. I hit the weakest point on this vehicle in the picture I’m sending you. Why didn’t it blow up? All it did was hit it, and the explosion was from the round going off!

I can’t tell where you aimed at, I was aiming at different parts of the turret and got like 10/10 OHK success with M107 round.

Image may look pretty goofy but it should make things a bit more clear.
When HE hits your tank it doesnt go through frontal turret or hull armor. Instead, in place where it hits there is shockwave sphere with penetration value of 60mm (for example). This sphere searches for every spot it can penetrate: hull front, turret front and hull roof. Tanks often have weak hull and turret roofs so that sphere finds that spot and penetrates it which evaporates all crew and ammo (if shockwave can hit and dmg them). If barrel isnt thick enough it also gets penetrated and destroyed.
This is how HE works: you have to aim for weakspots like roofs, cupolas and it pays you with destructive consequences for your enemies.


Overpressure is a buggy mess. Shoot any tank in the tracks with 155HE and it overpressure too

Always good to see a Leopard 2 getting blasted to hell by a support vehicle. A feel good moment. ‘Oh wait, you thought your tank was peak-meta? say helloooo to my little friendddd’

This belongs in the Wiki, I have downloaded the picture for posterity

HE shells upon encountering the roof armour of a Leopard
