US Aircraft Should Not Still Be Using FFAR Mighty Mouse (Hydra-70 Replacement)

Hey all, this is going to cover the Mk-4 FFAR Mighty Mouse rockets of late world war 2/early cold war, and the modern version the Hydra-70.

In-game we have both rockets, they’re both 2.75 inch unguided, folding-fin rockets. They’re also launcher compatible I believe.

Originally intended for the Anti-Bomber role, the FFAR Mighty Mouse was very rapidly superseded by early missiles, and heavier rockets such as the AIM-4 Falcon, AIM-9 Sidewinder, and AIR-2 Genie. In-game, this rocket is almost exclusively available in its air-to-ground configuration, and is available from late props onward.

Of course, this missile from the very early cold war would be developed. This resulted in the Hydra-70 rocket.


FFAR Mighty Mouse


The primary difference between the rockets is the updated Mk. 66 rocket motor, which as you can see above uses wrap-around fins as opposed to the fold-back fins. This is more space-efficient as thus allows for a substantial thrust improvement.

Many of the launchers and weapon systems in the US tree using the old FFAR mighty mouse rockets are using launchers specifically referred to as “Mk-66 Compatible Launchers”

So, the purpose of this thread boils down to this: Why is modern US military equipment in-game still using the outdated FFAR Mighty mouse rocket when the nearly identical, but far more historically accurate, Hydra-70 rocket exists?


Additionally, here’s a whole bunch of evidence of different systems using the improved rockets

AH-1F and AH-64

LAU-61/68, LAU-131, M260/M261 Mk66 Compatibility evidence

AV-8B Compatibility (And APKWS!)


Basic Logic

Anything with APKWS can fire Hydra-70s, as Hydra-70 is the base rocket APKWS is upgrading

AH-1W Super Cobra (And APKWS)

(Marine helicopters deploy with laser-guided rocket | NAVAIR - U.S. Navy Naval Air Systems Command - Navy and Marine Corps Aviation Research, Development, Acquisition, Test and Evaluation)

AH-6M, AV-8B, A-10, F-16 (And APKWS)

You get the point. The Mk40 FFAR Mighty Mouse rocket is ahistorical on several vehicles in the game. It should be updated to reflect reality.


Did someone make a proper bug report in the bug reporting forum?

Also I don’t get how the F-16c can Carry 3 pods of ffar
Per wing but only one pod of Hydra’s (Which are unguided and has accurate has ffar has in not at all)

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because the devs don’t feel that the u.s vehicles deserve thei weapons. i already went over this years ago with @Smin1080p_WT just like the AH-64 Apache doesn’t have its armor piercing 30mm cannon rounds. Thy hate the u.s tech tree.


Definitely the Russian su25 Rockets have pinpoint accuracy across the map
And then all the missiles

The he-dp that they currently have are armor piercing…

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Isn’t the armor piercing rounds the HE-DP? Afaik, Apaches don’t have any other sort of armor piercing round, since that’s what their hellfires are for.

Those are not the Armor piercing rounds. The Apache 30MM can fire the same rounds the A-10 fires.

They do, the Apache can fire the 30MM rounds the A-10 fires.

Can you explain how a gun chambered for 30x113mm can fire 30x173mm? I’m genuinely curious, I’ve never heard about this before.

This is an extremely shoddy website that was last updated in 1999, without any cited sources for PGU-14/B to be used in the M230. Meanwhile, the actual manufacturers of the ammo indicate nowhere on their website that the ammo types are interchangeable, nor is there anything on how you would physically fire 30x173 out of a chamber for 30x113.

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I honestly don’t care if you think the website is shady, you must be new to the internet as this site has been used in bugs reports before.

And did those go through? Was it used as a primary source? And this exact page?

Besides, for a bug report you would need to have multiple sources about this, and it still doesn’t answer the question of why no other sources mention this capability, nor how you would fit said bullet inside.


Those are armor piercing, they have a heat warhead, you could theoretically have the standard ap or sap from the defas but you would those would pen like 30 or 35 mm at 100 m which is much worse than what you already have…

They dont.


" they can "

i was literally told " the devs dont feel that the apache needs their other ammo" Just like the AH-G4D apache can fire dagr fire and forget missiles. Why aren’t they in game?

It cant, a10 uses a 30x173 and the m230 uses a 30x113, it physically cant.


Only it can 30mm Cannon Ammunition ( there was a source up, but its no longer on the internet.

It doesnt dude, even your source doesnt say that, they are just listing 30mm ammunition, never does it says that the apache are compatible with 30x173…
“The 30mm lightweight family of ammunition was developed to optimize the air-to-ground mission of the U.S. Army AH-64 Apache helicopter. This ammunition family is also compatible with all 30mm x 113 gun systems.”

After that they list the ammo type for the 30mm x 113 and guess what they only have hedp hei and pt.

At least read your own source before stating stupid things…