Mitsubishi SH-60L

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Mitsubishi SH-60L (三菱 SH-60L)
The Mitsubishi SH-60L is the latest helicopter in JMSDF service. It was built to improve anti-submarine warfare capabilities by improving armament and detection systems, in addition, the purpose of the SH-60L modification was to improve the ability to conduct various missions (rescue, anti-piracy, search, anti-submarine). In the future, the SH-60L helicopters are to replace the aging SH-60J and SH-60K helicopters. On December 22, 2023, the Ministry of National Defense of Japan announced the completion of tests on the SH-60L and announced the start of operational activities of the new helicopter.
When the Mitsubishi SH-60K helicopter was accepted into service in 2005, it was a very modern machine, but the technology of submarines (mainly Chinese and Russian) advanced quickly and the SH-60K submarine detection and anti-submarine capabilities drastically decreased. In the meantime, Japanese engineers produced a new short torpedo accepted into service in 2012 under the name Type 12. In addition, since 2007, the JMSDF (Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force) began to operate off the coast of Somalia to combat piracy there, where it turned out that SH-60J/K helicopters are insufficient in the event of contact with pirates. These three factors caused the Ministry of Defense to commission Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to start work on the successor to the SH-60K, starting from fiscal year 27 (2015). In the same year, work on the basic and detailed design was completed, which cost about 6.9 billion yen. In 2016, the equipment plans for the production of the new helicopter were completed and the corresponding production machines were built, which cost about 25.5 billion yen. Production of equipment for the first two SH-60L (XSH-60L) helicopters began in 2017, costing about 16.6 billion yen. The first XSH-60L helicopter was supposed to be ready by April 2019, but it took a lot of time to check the on-board functions. In 2020-2022, we plan to conduct verification tests at the Atsugi base.1 and on October 13, 2020, tests of the XSH-60L engines were carried out, but the helicopter did not take off. On May 12, 2021, the first 30-minute flight of the XSH-60L helicopter took place at the Komaki base. After these tests, on September 28, 2021, two XSH-60L helicopters with serial numbers 8501 and 8502 were handed over to the Agency for Procurement, Technology and Logistics (ATLA), which reports to the Ministry of Defense. Between 2021 and 2023, tests were carried out by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. On December 22, 2023, the Ministry of Defense announced the completion of tests on the XSH-60L, which was approved for operations under the name SH-60L. In 2023, it was also announced that money has been secured for the purchase of another 6 SH-60L helicopters in the financial period 2024, which runs from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. On March 5, 2024, both SH-60L helicopters took part in the Japanese-American exercises.

Photos of the SH-60L and XSH-60L helicopters

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Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-11 145434

Cockpit Photos


Construction detail photos



Description of modifications compared to SH-60K
Due to the fact that the Mitsubishi SH-60L is a new design, a large part of the systems is secret, so I will describe as best as I can what is known what has been used.
The SH-60L helicopter uses a new system of multistatic tactics, which allows it to read data not only from its own lowered sonar, but also from the sonars of other helicopters or allied ships. The helicopter received improved monitoring systems for overwater vessels and an automatic ship identification system (AIS). The SH-60L is equipped with new visible and infrared cameras. The rest of the equipment armament is the same as in the SH-60K, and the helicopters are 60-70% contaminable.

The SH-60L helicopter can be equipped in the same way as the SH-60K, but it can also mount Type 12 torpedoes. Below I will list another possible armament with its specification and photos.

MK.46 torpedo
The MK.46 torpedo is an American anti-submarine short aerial torpedo. Mitsubishi SH-60L can carry two such torpedoes.


Weight: 234.8 kg
Length: 2.6 m
Diameter: 324 mm
Range: 7.3 km
Top speed: 83km/h
Warhead weight: 44.5 kg
Explosive Charge: PBXN-103

Photos of the Mk.46 torpedo


Type 97 torpedo
The Type 97 torpedo was created in 1997 to destroy modern submarines. It is a complement to the MK.46 torpedoes. The SH-60L can carry two such torpedoes.


Weight: 320 kg
Length: 2,832 mm
Diameter: 324 mm
Maximum range: 15km (?)
Top speed: ?
Warhead weight: ?

Photos of the type 97 torpedo


Type 12 torpedo
The Type 12 torpedo is the newest torpedo in JMSDF inventory. It was introduced into service in 2012, its main task is to destroy submarines. The SH-60L can carry two Type 12 torpedoes.


Weight: 320 kg
Length: 2,832 mm
Diameter: 324 mm
Maximum range: 15〜20km
Top speed: 74km/h
Warhead weight: ?

Photos of the Type 12 torpedo


Type 67 depth charge
The Type 67 depth charge is a Japanese depth charge introduced in 1967. The SH-60L helicopter can carry 1 such bomb.


Length: 1400mm,
Diameter: 350mm
Weight: 150kg
Warhead weight: ?

Photos of the Type 67 depth charge

OIP (1)

Type 74 Machine Gun
The Type 74 machine gun is a Japanese light machine gun that can be mounted in the doors of the SH-60L helicopter, but after you disassemble the sonar. The possibility of mounting a Type 74 rifle was considered after a 1999 incident with a ship off the coast of the Noto Peninsula, when JMSDF helicopters were unable to fire warning shots at a non-indentified boat. The helicopter can carry only one Type 74 machine gun.


Caliber: 7.62 mm
Gun Length: 625mm
Ammo Used: 7.62 x 51 mm
Weight: 20.4 kg
Rate of Fire: Approx. 700-1,000 rounds/min

Photos of the Type 74 Machine Gun mounted on the SH-60 (SH-60K in the photos)


Hellfire AGM-114 rocket
The Hellfire AGM-114 rocket, or more precisely the AGM-114M version, is used to destroy lightly armored vehicles or ships. The SH-60L helicopter can carry four Hellfire missiles on the handles, but most often it is equipped with two missiles.


Length: 163 cm
Speed: 425m/s
Range: 0.5km~8km
Warhead weight: ?

Photos of AGM-114M missiles (SH-60K helicopter in the photos)


General characteristics

  • Crew: 3 crews
  • Length: 19.8 m including rotor
  • Height: 5.4 m
  • Hull width: 2.7 m
  • Hull length: 15.9 m
  • Main rotor diameter: 16.4 m
  • Max Take Off Weight: 9,750 kg
  • Powertrain: 2 × GE/IHI T700-401C each with 2,055 hp ( 1 532 kW)


  • Top speed: 265 km/h (?)
  • Range: 584 km (?)
  • Service ceiling: 5,790 m (?)


  • 2 x MK.46 torpedo
  • 2 x Type 97 topredo
  • 2 x Type 12 torpedo
  • 1 x Type 67 depth charge
  • 1 x Type 74 Machine Gun
  • 2 x Hellfire AGM-114M or 4 x Hellfire AGM-114M (?)


  • HPS-105B Radar
  • HQS-104 Dipping Sonar
  • AN/ASQ-81 MAD
  • AN/AAS-44-N1 FLIR
  • Laser designator
  • AAR-60 MAWS
  • ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser System
  • AIS (unknown type )
  • Visible light and infrared camera (unknown type )

The Mitsubishi SH-60L would be a very interesting and useful helicopter for Japan in War Thunder. Its armament, although aimed mainly at anti-submarine warfare, would still be able to provide support for the land forces, because, although I am not an expert, it is likely that AGM-114M missiles or other AGM-114 missiles can be mounted on the same rails, which will provide four missiles to destroy tanks. The helicopter also has a lot of useful systems that will be useful for battles in War Thunder. I encourage you to discuss in the comments and to share your own knowledge on this subject.
Finally, I apologize for the linguistic and logical errors because unfortunately English is not my main language and I had to use google translator.


SH-60L (航空機) - Wikipedia
pinup051222_01.pdf (
Japan completes new SH-60L naval combat helicopter development - Naval News
Pierwsze dwa śmigłowce SH-60L dostarczone do prób (
Japonia ma nowego niszczyciela wrogich okrętów. Latający SH-60L będzie ich postrachem (
Update: Japan completes development of SH-60L helicopter (
First flight for Japan’s upgraded SH-60 | Shephard (
pinup051222_01.pdf (
三菱重工、回転翼哨戒機SH-60L試作機を納入 厚木で試験へ | FlyTeam ニュース
plan.pdf (
20240306_03.pdf (
【2024年 自衛隊】主要航空機保有数、F-35 5機増・新たにSH-60L配備・C-1退役へ | FlyTeam ニュース
Mitsubishi H-60 - Wikipedia
SH-60L development completed (
​JMSDF to get ASW boost with new SH-60Ls | News | Flight Global
First two Mitsubishi XSH-60Ls delivered. (
日本三菱重工(MHI):進行首架新型XSH-60L多用途艦載原型直升機首次飛行測試作業-阿棟的部落格|痞客邦 (
In Giappone completato lo sviluppo del SH-60L (
海上自衛隊の最新哨戒ヘリコプター「SH-60L」は、中国の潜水艦とどう戦うのか? | Motor-Fan[モーターファン]
Mitsubishi SH-60L, Έτοιμος ο διάδοχος του SH-60K - Naval Defence
Mitsubishi SH-60L Japan Maritime Self Defense Force JMSDF (
Japan’s Defense Technology Soars with the Next-Generation SH-60L Helicopter | SOFREP
JMSDF Aircraft Profiles | J-HangarSpace: Information on Japanese Aviation
Mitsubishi H-60 - Coletti’s Combat Aircraft (
日本完成SH-60L反潜直升机研制|h-60l|原型机|反潜战|日本|直升机|自卫队_手机网易网 (
三菱/シコルスキーSH-60K,SH-60L (
JMSDF’s first XSH-60L prototype takes flight (
海上自衛隊の哨戒ヘリSH-60L (XSH-60L)、エンジンテストを実施 | iH別館 (
海自新一代反潛力量 XSH-60L首飛 (
74式車載7.62mm機関銃 - Wikipedia
150kg対潜爆弾 (
画像ギャラリー | 海自の主力航空機SH-60Kヘリコプターから初の除籍 運用は18年間 千葉・館山 | 乗りものニュース (
海上自衛隊の装備品一覧 - Wikipedia
The Type 12 Torpedo – Japan’s Latest Submarine Killer | Random Japan Academy (
12式魚雷 - Wikipedia
97式魚雷 - Wikipedia
AGM-114 Hellfire – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
ヘルファイア (ミサイル) - Wikipedia
Mk46 (魚雷) - Wikipedia


1+ from me.
japan deserves its own black hawk even when its lacking in armament it can be a sidegrade to the AH 1S in the TT at 9.7

An interesting helicopter for sure! Having the option to swap the sonar for an MG would be interesting and would offer even more variety. +1

PLEASE… Gaijin… im dying… give… me… the… Sh-60…

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I would love to see a version of the “Sea Hawk” in game, especially since it can also carry 8 Hellfires as well. It could work as Lynx in-game, around 10.7 BR.

Gosh darn it Mitsu is back at it again! you really need to calm down Mitsubishis.

What type of Heli is this for?

I’ll say yes because if they eventually go past late WW2 naval I expect to see anti-naval helicopters in the game and this would be a perfect fit.

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