[April Fools 2024] Mitsubishi F-2 Super Kai - An Unreal Overpowered Zero

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Mitsubishi F-2 Super Kai - An Unreal Overpowered Zero
…can we still get it ?

Hi and welcome to my 40th suggestion, which is about the Mitsubishi F-2 Super Kai, hope you like it. :popcorn:

And yes, the Cover picture is a render I’ve created with Blender, the Models also exist :D
and sorry for the quality of some of the pictures, the Forum unfortuntely down scales 4K to FHD

grafik grafik

Background History

The origins of the FS-X can be traced back to the early 1980s and the top secret Laboratory Three division of Japan’s Technical Research and Development Institute (TRDI). Studies were conducted there to examine the options for an indigenous design that would combine long range with maneuverability to meet the unique needs of the Japan Air Self-Defense Forces (JASDF). It became clear that striving for a fully indigenous design was unrealistic and help had to be sought abroad. In October 1987, the Japanese government announced that it would be developing a derivative version of the F-16C Block 40, known as the FS-X, to replace the JASDF’s Mitsubishi F-1 support fighters, which were to be phased out of active service in the second half of the 1990s. Launched in November 1988 with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the governments of Japan and the United States, the program was the first joint fighter aircraft development program between Japan and the United States. The fighter was intended to be used exclusively by the Japan Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) and as such development was fully funded by Japan.
An important element in the F-2’s specification was its ability to carry four anti-ship (e.g. ASM-1 / ASM-2) or medium-to-long missiles (e.g. AIM-7M). This requirement dictated the need for increased wing area and other modifications. Although the F-2 is used for interception like other types of fighters in JASDF, its main role is seen as destroying enemy landing forces or enemy warships using anti-ship missiles.
The FS-X (Fighter Support Experimental) is being developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries as prime contractor with Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems, Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Fuji Heavy Industries as prime subcontractors. Development work was split roughly 60/40, with the Japanese partners responsible for the larger share. The first of four FS-X flight test aircraft rolled out of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Komaki South Plant in Japan on January 12th, 1995 and completed its maiden flight on October 7th, 1995. at Mitsubishi’s test facilities in Nagoya. The Japanese Congress approved the production program in mid-1996. The Japanese government plans to purchase a total of 130 F-2 aircraft, despite previous significant questions in Japan about military needs and budgets and rumors that the number would be reduced to 70. Production deliveries of the F-2 will begin in 1999 and continue through 2011. In 2008, the Japanese government decided to cut production after building the 94th airframe.
During the International Aerospace Exhibition Japan Aerospace 2004 which took place in Yokohama Minato Mirai 21 Pacifico Yokohama, Lockheed-Martin presented a heavily modified F-2. The new Mitsubishi F-2 Super Kai should be based on the F-16E/F Block 60 instead of the F-16C Block 40 of the current F-2 models. Unfortunately, the concept ultimately didn’t even become a prototype based on current knowledge; the final decision was to purchase the F-35A and F-35B, upgrade the current F-2 Viper Zero’s that were in service, as well as the F-15JSI (Super Interceptor) and Mitsubishi F-3 (GCAP), which are still in development.

The Mitsubishi F-2 Super Kai Overall

The Mitsubishi F-2 Super Kai (三菱 F-2 スーパー改) is a concept design of a heavily modified F-2 Viper Zero (バイパーゼロ) in service with the JASDF. The concept envisaged a generation two F-2 based on the F-16E/F Block 60 to be available to the Japanese Air Self-Defense Forces.
The F110-IHI-129 engine would be replaced by the more powerful F110-GE-132 EIPE and compensate for the larger possible load, as well as the CFTs. The wings would be reinforced again to withstand the load of more heavy long-range missiles and JDAMs of up to 2000 pound class. In addition to the domestic Japanese AAM-4 and AAM-5, AIM-9X and AIM-120C would represent the backup, while AGM-88 HARM and AGM-154 JSOW unlock capabilities that were not previously available. The number of weapons that can be carried would also be increased, so you can now attach at least 2 examples of almost everything to the pylons. The Super Kai was also planned to directly adopt features of the F-16C, such as JHMCS, Link16 and PANTERA (Sniper XR ATP).
The concept is not only noticeable internally, but also externally; As part of the changes to the Super Kai, CFTs would have been added for both airframes, but also a SPINE for the F-2B, which could have included more countermeasures for it.
Unfortunately, nothing came of the Mitsubishi F-2 Super Kai project; Nevertheless, there is hope that the devs of Super Kai and similar projects will give them a chance on the battlefields of War Thunder.

Armament of the F-2 Super Kai


Air-to-Air Missiles

  • 4x AAM-3
  • 4x AAM-5/B
  • 4x AIM-9X
  • 6x AIM-120C-5 / -7
  • 6x AAM-4B

Dumb-Bombs / Rockets

  • 8x GBU-31
  • 12x GBU-38
  • 12x GBU-54
  • 6x GCS-1
  • 6x CBU-87
  • 18x Mk.82

Air-to-Surface Missiles

  • 4x ASM-1C
  • 4x ASM-2B
  • 4x ASM-3A
  • 4x ASM-3 Kai
  • 4x AGM-88E HARM
  • 4x AGM-154 JSOW
  • 4x Type-12SSM Kai

More of my personal renders, all of them took me hours :D

Specifications, Electronics and Internal

  • Crew: 1 (2 w/ F-2B)
  • Length: 15,52 m
  • Wingspan: 11,13 m
  • Wing area: 34,84 m2
  • Empty weight: 9.927 kg
  • Loaded weight: 13.859 kg
    • Max. takeoff weight: 22.600 kg
  • Powerplant: 1x General Electric F110-GE-132 EIPE
    • Dry thrust: 79 kN
    • Thrust with afterburner: 142 kN
  • Maximum speed:
    • Mach 1,2 at sea level
    • Mach 2,1 at altitude
  • Service ceiling: 18.000 m
  • Maximum g-load:
    • +9.5g / -3g w/ CFTs
    • +12g / -3g w/o CFTs

Thanks for your time, hope you liked it :salute:
[Will add more if there are some (more) important / declassified things]
[PM or comment if a Link or Picture isn´t working]



Kanyewest Smh GIFs | Tenor

Books / Other:


JSDF Military Aircraft: F-2超入門──どこが優れ、どこが劣っているか - Panda Publications (2017)
日本が生んだ傑作戦闘機F-2 - Eiwa Mook (2021)


Oh yeah, The ultimate multirole fighter from JASDF and would be top 3 best of fighter aircraft toptier for japan tech tree in the future


better that F-16AJ!


That’s the idea, Shinden II on top of that )))

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Dude that looks so real💀Almost got me

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If I had the will, I could have added textures and set up the scene so that it looks like as in official Devblogs XD


i need that in my life


Japan will need it!





although I think this concept is extremely cool, I feel as if we shouldn’t be purposefully adding jets with unknown and incomplete flight information. I understand that as jets get more advanced in-game, it will be impossible to represent their real-life counterparts accurately, so wouldn’t it make sense to entirely limit the addition of vehicles we know that were never even built? We aren’t able to produce Energy Maneurvability charts, let alone see how the larger wing size from the F-2 combined with conformal fuel tanks would affect performance, we can only draw loose parallels from existing platforms, which shouldn’t be enough. Gaijin has come out and said that they want to remove the R2Y2s when they get suitable replacements for the Techtree, considering their models and existence, aside from the first version, are more or less fictional.

With regards to my use of the EM charts, it is not an admission that EM theory is correct, just that the math specifically surrounding flight envelopes can be used to come to general conclusions about flight performance. They shouldn’t be used as gospel, simply as a basis for how a plane should perform in certain envelopes, and speeds.

All that being said, this is Gaijin we are talking about, the company that butchered the addition of the F-16AJ.

Proposed never built. F-35 won instead.

Literally mentioned in the OP and …

This Suggestion is part of Yeeted at the Developers - Otherwise it would have never been approved, as it doesn’t meet our Rules ;D


Almost as if it was for April Fool’s… Shocking, I know.


I would love to see this (even tho it would be broken)