Mitsubishi F-15J

No TWS for the radar. Does APG-63 not have TWS?

I believe it did have TWS. APG-63 likely isn’t finished yet.

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The F-15J has a poor climb rate and turn time compared to the US and Israeli F-15. Why is this?

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dev server’s biggest use is check what we will have and the vehicles’ models, gaijin may change the data anytime

Tws was upgraded later, might be that we got an earlier version

IK. Still gonna submit a report about it though, just in case, because you never know if they just won’t change the data.

Is this true? Some quick searches point it to more that it has TWS and it got improved on later variants.

yes, Better safe than sorry

Im not on the dev but currently from video i seen the AAM-3 has a very short burn time or energy and wobbles pretty badly, also easily flared from behind. Just some observations

After looking at more clips and some ithers tests it seems AAM-3 does indeed have good range potentially matching AIM-9M disregard my previous statement.

Yeah it seems very weird… They’re giving it the same Seeker shutoff IRCCM as the 9M according to the missile spreadsheet, which tbh I’m not sure that’s accurate because iirc the AAM-3 has an IR/UV seekerhead specifically to be able to filter out flares.

-disregard- corrected myself.

So another bug report then?

I think we can definitely bug report the IRCCM since it should be IR/UV i think documents states that i believe could be wrong though. not sure if it uses the same method as the 9M as well though.

Mhm. I’ll continue working on my HOBS capability bug report, hopefully will have that out pretty quick here.

Yeah let me know if you need help with anything

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Yes, it is not the same method as on AIM-9M and should be better.
If somebody has any documents or any other proofs about IR/UV seeker, it would be really cool

Sadly looking at this
It does say IRCCM but no mention what that IRCCM is.

However this docs says background identification algorithm also some other stuff like bank to turn and self search capabilities




But sadly my knowledge is limited so not sure what can be done with the VERY few information there is on this missile.

Realistically I don’t think they’d want to give us an unflareable missile at 40Gs…

If it’s copy pasted 9M, the IRCCM should be decent, especially from side aspect and it’s smokeless (more important for ground RB).

I’d be mostly interested in making sure the flight performance is good and better than 9M.

I also hope they fix the radar as I was really hoping for TWS finally.

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Yeah, have checked this docs too but there is no any mention of IR/UV seeker…
Saw it only in wikipedia and other sites which can’t be the relative source