Mitsubishi F-15J

I think given if it is an F-15A they added it with CMs which is an MSIP upgrade and F-15A MSIP is the same as F-15C(?) they may add F-15A and F-15C at the same time like F-16A, F-16 ADF, and F-16 MLU.

The RWR is different I think which you can see here on the top of the rudder.

F-15A is unlikely regardless. Always has been due to Japan.
As for your direct reply to me.
RWR is non-visible for the most part.
And a small rudder change is game model non-issue since the thick cylinder would just cover the small cylinder when activated in the model.

even if it is an A model the fact that it has CMs indicate msip so even F-15J is possible without the F-15C (Though not sure why gaijin choose the A instead if it is an A that is)

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I don’t disagree that it’s probably a small change, but was just replying in reference to the model differences in that there is at least one present to my knowledge.

Also to your point, it looks like they’ve modeled the air intake moving as I’ve spotted a couple different positions of them in the trailer

Intakes Lowered

Intakes Straight


Tbh, I’m all confused as to what F-15 was even shown in the trailer.
We see the turkey feathers on the F-15 pointing to a F-15A.
But, we also see countermeasures, which the F-15A didn’t have(And you can say MSIP, but the MSIP I program was cancelled before it started, and only a handful of F-15As received equipment from the MSIP II program, but countermeasures aren’t specified from what I’ve found)
Then the most confusing part, we see the F-15 carrying guided bombs, and rockets for that matter, which the only 2 nations that we have in-game that carried weaponry on those drop tank pylons is Japan(who only uses dumb bombs), and Israel, despite the fact the F-15s in the trailer was seen to use USAF markings.

Yeah, Gaijin models all the intake animations for every jet to my knowledge.
Tho I don’t have an exhaustive list of IRL jets within WT that have that feature, every jet I’ve tested has the feature.

Turkey feathers are on Cs as well, just less common due to maintenance cost.
F-15Cs are all universally capable of carrying A2G weapons [namely dumb stuff], including America’s.
America’s doctrine means they don’t even tho they can.

yeah true even F-15J had them at one point correction: that’s a D model


I mean, sure, I guess it could just be a very early C model.

But even then, F-15Cs might be universally able to equip A2G weaponry, but that doesn’t include guided weaponry, which was shown in the trailer. Unless if you can show me any sort of document stating otherwise. The only known examples are Israeli F-15Cs which received Israeli equipment to do so as far as I’ve ever read.

Hopefully it is a C that they just put the turkey feathers on for some reason, as that would increase our chance of getting the F-15J. Sadly Its kinda hard to tell as Gaijin often frankensteins top tier jets, guess we will just have to wait for the devblog for 100% confirmation.

Turkey feathers doesn’t determine age of the aircraft.
Again, the only reason they were removed was to reduce costs. AKA Money issues.
Same reason why some weapons weren’t purchased for aircraft by air forces.

As for the bombs.
Those are cluster bombs & TV guided bombs, which both available for F-15C.

All F-15s are capable of using guided A2G weapons. This includes the F-15J as well since it was confirmed that it was impossible to remove the bombing equipment as it is fundamentally part of the A2A systems as well.
伊藤(圭)政府委員 まず最初に、先生がおっしゃいましたファンボローショーの広告文のことでございますが、私ども、これを調べてみましたけれども、この中に書いてありますのは、F15という飛行機は従来いわゆる要撃戦闘能力というものが非常に高いということが言われているのだけれども、これはまたグラウンド・アタック・ファイターとしての能力もあるのですよということを特に指摘してあるような文章だというふうに理解したわけでございます。このことは、ヨーロッパにおきましては日本の防空体制と違いまして、やはり地上攻撃能力というものがきわめて重視されているわけでございます。したがいまして、ヨーロッパの国々に対するアピールとして特にこういう書き方をしたのだというふうに私どもは理解しているわけですが、実際問題として私どもで注目いたしておりますのは、先ほど来申し上げております。要撃戦闘機としてのすぐれた性能というものに着目しているわけでございます。
Government Commissioner Ito (Kei): First of all, regarding the advertisement for the Farnborough show that you mentioned, we have looked into it and found that there is nothing written in it. The reason for this is that the F15 plane has traditionally been said to have very high interception combat capabilities, but it also has the ability as a ground attack fighter. I understood it to be a sentence that specifically pointed out something. This means that, unlike Japan’s air defense system, Europe places great emphasis on ground attack capabilities. Therefore, we understand that this was written specifically as an appeal to European countries, but what we are actually focusing on is what I said earlier. . We are focusing on its excellent performance as an interceptor fighter.
Regarding the issue of the bombing device, the Director of Equipment will explain the technical details, but from what we currently know, it is a bomb targeting device similar to the one that was removed during the so-called Phantom. It is not divided into I have heard that it is also incorporated in air-to-air combat as well as when attacking the ground. Therefore, I have heard that it is technically impossible to separate this and remove just the bomb sighting system.


I don’t see 9Ms but that’s probably because it predates the 9Ms right?

Also does this mean F-15J could carry guided bombs? I’d think they were not purchased by Japan so they might not be equipped with them, but if we’re going on possibility, they could (unlike the F-4E and F-4EJ)?

This predates 9Ms. The 9M is compatible on all 9L rails

Yes the 15J should be capable of it unless you can find documentation saying an avionics upgrade removed compatibility

That might be good news then as instead of mavericks we’d get guided bombs which is a decent tradeoff from the F-16AJ.

Considering I’m looking at this from a CAP in ground RB, this seems more like a true multi-role compared to the AJ and that makes me excited. Sure it doesn’t have mavericks to deal with helis but I think you can still do the same thing with bombs and having TWS to spot them easily will be great. If it got 9Ms even better as you can use them against helis with IRCCM and MAW auto-flaring.

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that would be interesting actually i mean unlike the EJs i don’t think there is anything (other then the fact they didn’t use them) to use GBUs if im not mistaken.

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Gaijin (DB) cough cough will find some way to deny GBUs for the F-15J even though the official stance is “it will be added as long as its technically compatible”.
F-4F w/ AIM-9J is ok
F-5C w/ flares is ok
F-5E w/ mavs and gbus is ok
F-5A w/ bullpups (not even actually compatible irl) and MER racks is ok
SPS-K w/ radar missiles is ok
Ariete w/ DM53 is ok
Countless Apaches with ATAS or AIM-9L is ok (not even actually compatible irl)
Yak 141 w/ all it’s nonsense is ok
BMP-2M w/ Belgian APFSDS is ok
but F-15J w/ GBUs? “erm sorry actually everything else doesn’t count and was actually an error on the developers part. No we won’t remove any of them, but Japan also can’t get their example either”.

Reminds me of how every top tier MBT is using their maximum traverse rates for all their tanks and not what the gunner can use. This got reported for the Type 10 since it wasn’t using it’s max traverse rate and a certain someone came back saying that “every other tank was actually wrong and would be fixed”. Now we are multiple major updates later with no changes to any of those MBTs and Japan is getting shafted.


So then there really is nothing preventing F-15Js from using GBU?

Yes, the removal of the bombing equipment was deemed impossible by the Japanese as it was physically incorporated into multiple other systems like the navigation system. At the very least we can get a bunch of Mk 82s.


I dont think US mains would be bitching about Japan getting a better plane, I think they’d be bitching because with most updates for top tier air, they feel like Gaijin never lets them have their moment in the sun with the exception of the F-14