Mitsubishi F-15J

It does. Angle of attack made wrong I heard.

Dev server instability?
Cause it feels different in test drive than in match.

If flown both in matches on the dev server

Not just AOA but things like roll rate
The control responses just feel like they take ages to react to input




If you think the thrust is underperforming you can perform the maximum thrust short takeoff procedure and compare to the manual. Drag will not be a significant factor here, and it will rely instead on acceleration. Use takeoff flaps.

It states to apply full aft stick at low speeds until nose pitches to 12 degrees attitude. Hold this attitude until takeoff.

At 30,000 pounds, nose wheel should pitch up at 80 knots, wheels up at 108 knots. Total distance to takeoff should be no more than 900 feet (275m).


if anyone’s curious jaek_ did a quick side by side comparison of AAM-3 and AIM-9M ~1:39 mark

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@asd072 Appears the takeoff is correct. Thrust and lift are all probably just fine.
Nosewheel up at just 70 knots, wheels up (off the ground) at 102 knots. Takeoff distance was less than 900 feet.

You should also consider the F100-PW-220 is a different engine than the F100-PW-100. It is newer, and the F-15 manual explicitly states that when equipped with the -220 engines there will be an increase in performance.


Okay yeah they’re definitely gonna have to change that. They specifically designed the missile to be able to perform high G, high off boresight shots, ain’t no way it’s just barely better than the 9M.

Yea would love to see what they finalize for the AAM-3. I guess still no idea if it should be smokeless or not?

In addition, I hope they model/add the radar as well. I think from earlier discussion it’s supposed to be the APG-63 with PSP, meaning it’ll have TWS?

@MiG_23M I’m unable to test stuff like that but I was curious. Is there a difference between the F-15 without external fuel tanks and it equipped with wing mounted fuel tanks, but jettisoned? I’m trying to see if it’s a negative at all to carrying wing mounted fuel tanks. The underbelly ones typically add an extra pylon that adds drag and weight, even after the fuel tank is jettisoned. I’m curious if the wing mounted ones are currently adding extra drag that’s just not visually modeled or not.

In game it won’t give you take off trim though. Need to set it manually to where the Stabs just reach the bottom of the tail booms

Think I may just go submit a report on BTT as a whole tbh, I’ve got a decent number of sources about it, and I doubt the AAM-3 will be changed all that much if at all from now to live.


Any additional drag is negligible

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I would recommend this

Nose was able to come up at correct speed, 12° pitch thereafter resulted in appropriate takeoff.

Gotcha, when I was testing it before I hooked up my stick I noticed the instructor would flutter the stabs and not keep them at full deflection so could have caused some loss in efficiency

yeah which is off the files say 40Gs but that’s definitely not pulling 40gs or so

Alrighty, I’ve submitted a report. Included Five documents for them, all official reports, thesis papers, or surveys on the subject.


I’m just curious if it’s modeled at all in code since testing by flight it’d probably be hard to tell any difference.