Missing details for module

Noticed that the bomber I received during a previous battlepass had a “Neutral Gas Pressurization System” figured if I clicked the information button the wiki link would tell me exactly what this module does however the new wiki format does not seem to describe it at all ( I recall the previous format had a paragraph or so about survivability and protection strategy for each vehicle )

I also attempted a quick forum search and websearch for what this part does in Warthunder but could not figure it out - a steam discussion pointed to a previous Warthunder forum thread that seems to be either removed or privated

could anyone point me in the right direction ?

Sounds like something for a fuel tank, I think it might either reduce the chances of a fire or prevent it outright.

This is due to the vapors being what is explosive / flammable so using a positive pressure system hooked up to the engine exhaust effectively removes most if not all oxygen within the tanks.

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yeah that is what I had gathered from the steam discussion as well - thank you for the prompt reply if happen to come across any official Warthunder resources or forum posts on the module id appreciate the links

If you find an old link to the forum that no longer works you can try adding “old-” in front of “forum” in the url. The link might point to a post on the old forum that is temporarily archived with a new prefix for all sites.

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I know EFS was added, somewhat recently at one point, I’m just not entirely sure when exactly it was split from the Self-sealing cell indicator in the “X-Ray” View.

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that managed to do it ! thank you very much for the assistance
for anyone in the future who might stumble across this or the steam discussion the old forum post can be found here : Neutral Gas Pressurization System - Ask the experts - War Thunder - Official Forum