Missing AIM-120 on F-16 MLU

I feel like you’re moving the goalpost now.

At the moment it will already see all the AMRAAM and 9M carriers, but with quite inferior weaponry itself.
at longer ranges it will struggle to deploy 7Ms against Fox-3 carriers that can outplay it easily in that department and at shorter ranges it has very flareable missiles against planes that can use auto flares almost all match. Of course other 12.0s will have similar issues, but this one could be helped with better offensive capabilities at least.
The 60 CMs are a problem you have to deal with at both BRs. Maybe some BR decompression would help it even more, but AMRAAM would give it a capability that will still be useful in the future and provide it some standoff capability that could even lead to a need for fewer CMs since it doesn’t have to fly towards the enemy after firing all the time. Later it depends on what 13.3 to 14.0 will bring though.

Yeah, When I saw the Tornado F3 (Late) I was really really surprsied by no Viggen D “late”.

The argument can be made that China and Italy have enough “stuff” in their Air trees. But Sweden like Britain just doesnt.

BTW, ROCAF F-16A MLU could had 120 flares.


Personally i never really agreed with that argument to an extent.

like… if it can carry the missile then it should by all means receive it and of course get the associated BR adjustments.

Especially for aircraft that were built/refitted with specifically carrying those missiles in mind ( See: Viggen D, F-4F ICE)

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I dont agree with that argument, but I can see that argument “exists”.

But yeah, There are exceptions. Like I dont think we should get a Sea Harrier FRS1 late with 4x Aim-9Ms. Would be kinda pointless (maybe, actually sounds kinda fun for 11.7 sim) . But yeah, as a general rule of thumb. Just add a foldered version of the aircraft with the upgraded loadouts.

(though we really need loadout based BRs, so for something like the Viggen D you can enable/disable “late” loadout options in the custom loadout or modification page and doing so changes what you can equip and the BR of aircraft. No extra gridning or TT clogging required)

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Personally would love to see the Taiwanese Mirage 2K and the F-CK-1 in game, maybe the F-16 MLU given the AIM-120 can stand in the middle between those two jets?

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Of the now 4 jets in China that can carry arh missiles they only gave them to two, j8f is pretty useless, same boat as the f4fice but with only 2 arh missiles instead of 4. I believe the other two, f16amlu and jh7a should just get them. Not like the gap really matters.

From beginning to end, Gaijin gave the AIM-9L, which the F-16MLU had never taken, and then asked us to provide the resources to fix?LOL


Probably the best guess is they don’t want to increase the BR’s of those vehicles.

Please not another viggen.

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which is abit nonsense considering they are not only increasing the BR ceiling to 13.0 and also moving the AV-8B+ and J-8F up to 12.3 while giving them Fox-3s.

and there are far worse planes performance wise (Tornado F.3 SHAR FA.2 and ICE) being added with fox-3s so it makes even less sense for them to not get them.

Oh please don’t give gaijin any more easy-copy-paste-then-450k-RP ideas.

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Just fyi the MLU already have additional CM ingame. What it lacks are weapons

Italy had only “late” in service)


it should be 120 CM but not 90

No, JH-7A shouldn’t get them. It’s the only CAS option China could have at 11.7 range, and it is highly effective at it. Moreover, it rarely carried PL-12 in many flyouts.

Viggen D already had the capacity to operate AIM 120. Di is not necessary

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Its not “necessary” but it leaves 1 Viggen D at 11.3 with its current loadout. Its some annoying extra grinding and a rather brutal stock grind but this way, no one wins and no one looses

Air and ground br’s are separate now and it can only carry them on its heavy bomb pylons so it wouldn’t be able to be a good CAs plane and carry them at the same time. No reason not to get them.