Missile Splash Damage

If you have played Higher tier air at all you will know what missile splash damage is. With missiles being able to blow up if they hit the ground this poses a problem when trying to multipath. If you are to low there is a chance that the missile exploding when hitting the ground it can hit you(clip your wing off blackout your airframe) . When the multipath height got changed from 100m to 60m splash damage became more and more prevalent. Now the question is should splash damage be removed as to improve gameplay when trying to multipath?

  • Keep missile splash damage as is
  • Remove entirely
0 voters

Remove multipath.


It’s not an issue, and I see no reason to remove it.

What we do need to be removed is multipathing, but we need major changes before that happens (such as stock chaff, 10v10 max playercount, better maps, and a good amount of decompression).


Aim120 warhead doesnt have enough explosives to kill if it hits ground therefore should be removed aim54 should keep it as its basically a 250lb bomb in that thing

they cant as it is a real thing that happens


It varies alot missile to missile, and it’s too high for the top missiles we have in game right now.

Happens at below 10m Yes. 60m? Why not 2000m as on 7f lol

I find the spheared of death that is current missile damage to be annoying, but its pribably there to minimize server bullshit

remove explosion splash damage? wut

Just Mpath a little higher off the floor and you’re not gonna die, its also far less extreme than it was during the free tomcat incident

Removing this is just removing nuance from the game to simplify it

Remember me how works a Proximity fuse?

Oh yes,… the missile should already explodes when bypassing your wing, and this even if the Seeker lost your track and you didn’t moved from your previous path.

Better than Exploding on the ground, it should explode closer to your wing.

Just be grateful it only explodes on the ground and does less damage than it should.

Okay now tell me how you defend against a 2km headon ARH when having no missile because you used all your 2 ARH on dif targets cause you stock

I prefer a playable game over a realistic one. Its bs if you want a realistic game go make your own or play DCS but for the love of god let this game be ahistorical so it can be fun and balanced and you don’t have to play 2000+hours to understand how this game works

removing MP is a terrible idea for many reasons

“In War Thunder, aircraft, attack helicopters, ground forces and naval vessels collaborate in realistic competitive battles”

Too bad, they said the game is about realistic and not arcade shit.

And it’s not about the game, it’s about systems being reproduced,…
The current thread is asking for more bullshitery, while i’m making a statement that the current game is already going easy on the newbies.

Removing MP, and people will learn to notch, break, pull hard G’s

remove mp and aircraft with shit rwr become extremely painful if not unplayable, remove mp and you cant do anything about multiple threats in air rb in this 16v16 enviroment, remove mp and see dogfights disappear entirely

With a lower player count and lower player density, that’s a situation that won’t happen as often.

It would also be helped by having a better stock grind.

Not with the solutions I presented.

It needs to be removed, but we can’t until gaijin makes the stock grind better, lowers player counts/density, and decompresses the game.

Not really. Decompression and better balance helps this.

Which is why we shouldn’t have matches greater than 10v10 above 12.0.