The OP is complaining that they missed the deadline for the end of the BP, even though it’s clearly stated at the top of the BP screen at all times and is on the dev blogs…
Who doesn’t have a way to tell time in their life??? Literally in aspect of being able to tell time. On top of that, if I remember correctly PlaySations have time displayed on their home screens, though it could have changed as I haven’t played on PS for awhile. You would literally have to look at a thing that displays the time to launch the game…
I wouldn’t be against this being added. Something that tell you that the BP will be closed in like 2 weeks whenevr you launch the game. Something like the update list that pops up the moment you get into the game after an update
No, I made him out to be an idiot because he blames the game for something that’s clearly presented to you. The matter still stands, desktop or not, that clocks do indeed exist. He most definitely came here to post on a device, and even a playstation displays the time and date despite being VMware.
I couldn’t care less what his username includes, nor whether or not he has a computer, a laptop, a playstation, xbox, or a damn wrist watch.
What are you, 9 years old? Does your mommy remind you whenever upcoming events are about to happen?
I’d love a timer, that doesn’t detract from the fact that the exact date and time of finalization is displayed.
No, but I’ve been retired for so long that I’ve lost all sense of time.
Sometimes I go shopping by car and wonder why the car park is empty and the shop isn’t lit up. Must be another public holiday…
I almost always do my shopping during the day, as the grocery shops here are open until 23:00 at the latest. At petrol stations or other shops that are open longer, the range of goods is very limited and also disproportionately expensive.
Above all, however, the time for SQB ends at 23:00 or 24:00, depending on the season, and we try to play every day.
Oops, it’s 04:00 here again and the sun will be up soon, my bed is calling…
Mobile game TIMER…Oh, what a nice feature…So incredible!
About haters here, I’m far from an irresponsable or something, I’m pretty sure that I’m more conscencious in my work than you. Anyway, and as I stated in the OP, I do not make attention to the date simply because the last 4 or 5 BP I completed where 90 days long and I usually refered to the login count. Maybe this time I missed one day then my login counter was biased BECAUSE OF ME or I screwed myself in anyway, it doesn’t change anything.
I’m here complaining about the fact there is nothing I can do and I have to pay 2000GE instead of 75GE for the missing level.
And you come here to make me looking stupid, but, I guess irrespectful community has say the same thing earlier about buying event task, but, now, the closer you’re from the end of the task the cheaper is the price so QoL improvment can still be debated and have to be.
PS: maybe I look like a monkey because I’m strugling to write/understand english, but from what I see, anglo-saxons people aren’t very friendly. That is my last intervention here I guess.