first off youre climbing too steep, what i try to do is give my missiles speed over altitude, so try to go in around 10 degrees to gain some speed then you can increase the angle to zoom climb.
Most of your launches were very bad, either the target was already in the notch angle, about to go defensive or already defensive and 1 of your missiles didnt even track, it just fucked off to the side.
Pretty much all of your missiles didnt have the energy to hit their targets and since u just spammed them instead of guide them in they were going on IOG till they could track the target.
What i recommend is:
going in fast and high, firing off your missiles at high alt targets (most of them climb too high and become slow or tunnel vision on spamming their missiles so its more likely to hit than someone going mach 1.3 on the deck outturning your missiles.)
Crank to the side to guide your missiles in so they dont waste alot of energy in IOG. You gotta care for your missiles, dont just spamm the fuck out of em and dive away.
Pick better launches. Dont launch at targets already going defensive against your team’s missiles or targets at an angle where they can notch easily. Also, try to launch at fat targets. if u see an F15E climbing high 30km from you, chances are hes not gonna turn in time to notch, same with the flankers or planes with little chaff.
i honestly wouldnt recommend firing all your missiles at the start and rtb’ing like that because literally everyone expects missiles at the start and will go defensive. Plus its very easy to get strafed since u gave away all the advantages you had in both speed and altitude.
And if you dont have success in the bvr at the start of the game, dont join it.
Fly under contrail height and ambush people who wasted their missiles at the start, because most likely all the kills at the start will be taken by the 14.0’s that have a fuck ton of thrust to use.
Its alot more dangerous to the enemy to face 8 missiles at the end of the game than at the start.
no worries man. no one became good at the game immediately. It takes time and knowledge to become good, and even then it wouldn’t be a guaranteed kill as different people react to missiles in different ways and there are many ways to go defensive against fox 3’s.
Best advice i can give is to watch some youtubers and see how they play and what they do that u dont. Best are defyn and bad karma and its a pretty good way to learn
I can say for myself that I have not used the AIM-120 for long-range combat for a long time, I mainly fly around the map from the edge and approach the enemy from the flag and from a distance of 10-15 km I strike. And to strike at 50 km, it is pure luck, yes, you can get lucky and destroy 6 at once. But this is rare.
Long range isnt very viable at top tier. Any missile over 25 kilometers is a wasted missile against anybidy that isnt sleeping. You dont even have to notch just go cold and crank a few times and it wont hit you. R77-1 is better
Here’s a great example of what the AIM-120 is in our game today.
These are missiles that simply change targets to heat traps.
Just so you understand that at the time of release, the AIM-120 did not react to Flares and Chaff at all. Officially, there was not a single nerf to the AIM-120, but they are nerfed very often and now you have a better chance of shooting down a plane with a sparrow than with an AIM-120.
Yes, it’s funny, missiles that break off on Flares and Chaff, which can’t even turn to a slow-flying target. AIM-120 in the game is complete garbage. In my experience, there is a better chance of shooting down an AIM-9M or L than an AIM-120.
one also definitely do something very wrong to die to an AMRAAM 30km away too.
I ever kills people at that range or more sure but never die to one myself they have like 30+ sec to react for the love of God.
You heavily contradict yourself here. The F-15E beats the Su-30SM in speed, TWR and acceleration, meaning according to your logic the F-15E is the best 14.0 BVR plane.
yes but su30SM has better missiles and more F15E carriers 8 while su30sm carries 12 and not to mention that while its TWR is higher the SU30 has a decent climbrate in comparison to its compeitors its more than enough